
  1. DrReiCow

    NGD: Wood Library McCarty 594

    My first PRS! 2021 Wood Library 594 with flame maple 10-top, Brazilian rosewood fretboard, East Indian rosewood neck, mahogany back, in indigo violet finish. :) Moo
  2. tyfu20

    NGD Pho-Oh-Ate has arrived

    Finally got here around 7:30 last evening, played it only a little this AM as I'm on the IR with a right wrist injury from a ladder incident we will not discuss. The few minutes i was able to play I can definitely hear how the 408 pickups are so endeared by Mr. PRS himself. The clarity is...
  3. Going Modal

    NuGD incoming - UPDATED: It's here!

    It just shipped, and will take the better part of a week to get from one corner of the 'States to the other, but... ----- Update: 7/27/2021--It's here!!! Pics added further down the thread...
  4. AlexBohlin

    Help me choose!

    I'm having some issues deciding which guitar I want to go for. I do not yet own a PRS, but I've been actively researching them nearly every day for the past 8 months or so. I know all the models and how they work, but with that, it makes it even harder to choose. The only thing I know is that...
  5. Cris_mas

    OFFICIALY!! NGD CE 1994 Tobacco Sunburst

    Well, after almost a month of impatiently waiting her, she arrived!! All i can say is i can barelly believe she is here and she is mine. First tests results are: I friggin' love her!!! Is definitely the best guitar i've ever owned and i believe it will go nowhere (ok, i may change my mind in a...
  6. Patrick Montgomery

    NGD: My first Private Stock, SSH in faded pomegranate

    I’ve been eyeing this on Willcutt’s website for about a year after buying a WL SSH last summer. I have been torn, since buying a Private Stock or 2-3 core/artist/WL models is the same amount money. How can I justify one guitar for the price 2-3 guitars that I know would be killer? Well, I...
  7. Patrick Montgomery

    NGD: PRS Studio 10-Top in Eriza Verde!

    I’ve been looking at the old studio models for about three years and could never find one in Eriza Verde. When I saw the one on the virtual launch event earlier this year, I knew I had to have one. Countless phone calls and a lot of website refreshes later and I managed to grab one of the first...
  8. Vazzy

    NGD: Mccarty 594 Hollowbody II

    Hi all, This is about a year late but I have been meaning to add this guitar for a NGD for a while now so please respect my lateness This is a beautiful Mccarty 594 Hollowbody II that has quickly become my favorite guitar. It sounds very sweet and beautiful, plays incredibly, looks...
  9. Wakester

    NGD on TODAY!

    This year marks 27 years with my wife, friend and all those other things we are. This year the Mrs. decided she was going to pick out her Anniversary gift, and found a very nice Diamond Ring to compliment her wedding set. I thought about it a bit and figured there was only one thing that I...
  10. Going Modal

    NGD - my new "sleeper" guitar

    Picked up this 2012 Stripped 58 very recently. It came with its stock covered 57/08's, but I really wanted to do a 57/08 neck + 59/09 bridge combination--plus the look of this guitar was really asking for a black squabbin in the bridge--so I just finished installing that, followed by a full...
  11. Ovibos

    NGD - PRS SE ZM, aka Dr. Manhattan

    I opened the box yesterday. I've always liked the Zach Myers, but never vibed with the zebras/faded trampas/ivory tuners. These new ones took my breath away, and I kept seeing glowing reviews on YT. So I reached out to a few dealers to see when they were coming in, and ended up placing an...
  12. kongk

    NGD: SE Custom 24-08

    From my previous question/poll thread poll, I got a lot of good advice from you guys. Thanks! I went to a local PRS dealer and spent more than an hour playing 3 guitars. They were really helpful and nice and let me play to my heart's content. - SE Paul's Guitar - SE Custom 24 35th Anniversary...
  13. Kalamazuu

    '97 Custom 24 - First PRS!

    Just got my first PRS! A 1997 Custom 24 After looking at a bunch I was going to get an S2, then came across this and it was quite a bit less expensive than most others I had seen so I jumped on it. I was quite nervous about the Wide Thin neck since there were no PRSs in town to try out, but I...
  14. Patrick Montgomery

    NGD - McCarty 594 SC Semi-Hollow Artist Package

    So today I pulled the trigger on a guitar I had been wanting for a few months - a 2020 McCarty 594 SC Semi-Hollow with Artist Package in River Blue. On the way home I wondered how to explain it to my wife. When I got home I showed her the guitar and told it was new. She didn’t believe me because...
  15. Mvenuti1980

    NGD...and new to PRS!

    Today I opened my SE Standard in Tobacco Burst from Sweetwater. Love it! Have a set of PRS locking tuners and a Tusq nut to go on the guitar. I’ll post pics when the forums allow me to post links! I can’t remember the last time I played a PRS and there were none to play at my local guitar...
  16. Wakester

    N(U)GD! an Oldie and a keeper.

    So, we were out delivering a Christmas tree to my daughter 2 hours away from home, when I decided to swing into a music shop that I had never been to before. After performing the necessary Pre Entry Covid precautions. I scanned the walls for something interesting, something PRS. And, what to my...
  17. H

    NGD: My first PRS, a 408!

    I've been interested in PRS guitars for a little while now (I have a friend who's obsessed and has around 15 so he's slowly been conditioning me), but up until today I hadn't had much of a chance to play them. I use a Telecaster mainly, but I've been wanting something with humbuckers to give me...
  18. Egads

    Have you ever given up a good one...and got it back? (NOGD!)

    A decade ago, a friend and manager of a local guitar shop finally relented and sold me this guitar. He had ordered it for the shop, but claimed it when it showed up. It was a good one, a special one. It was during the time PRS was offering a free set of 57/08s with any new purchase. So, this...
  19. colinkanders

    NGD - Wood Library Special Semi Hollow

    Technically yesterday was New Guitar Day, but I was too busy playing to take pics until today...I had been saving up for a Private Stock guitar but I stumbled across this WL SSH that was 95% of what I would have ordered, so I snatched up this beauty! Quilted Maple 10-Top African Blackwood...
  20. C

    NGD SE Hollowbody Piezo (and demo)

    I am shocked at the quality of my new SE Hollowbody Piezo. The playability and craftsmanship comes super close to my Silver Sky but isnt quite there (the cut of the nut and lack of locking tuners are the only "complaints" and neither pieces are bad by any means). The neck pickup is warm, smooth...