The Cockpit is almost complete! Got the Presonus Studiolive installed in the travel case base finally. Now just waiting on the cedar wood veneer and aluminum track rails to get here for hanging 12 of my guitar collection favorites above the dual 32" curved monitors! Just need to bring the Roland FA-88 downstairs to plink on some.
This is actually my control room in half of our downstairs office (which used to be a formal living room). Our whole upstairs is available via remote I/O and tablets/computers to the StudioLive 32 Series 3 mixer and RDP to
my Cockpit super computer laptop. So I can control Studio One 4 from upstairs with RDP and the mixer via wireless using Presonus Universal Control. I run an Ethercon cable upstairs to feed whichever room(s) I want
to put the band in via the Presonus StudioLive 32R slaved in stage box mode to the downstairs SL32 S3. That gives me a nice comfy control room/mini studio where I usually live with the capability to isolate peeps/groups
upstairs (Huge foosball room that was supposed to be 2 bedrooms, and 2 bedrooms for the 2.5 children we never could have). My live mixers are an X32 Rack and a full X32 console that connect via Ethercon to a Midas
DL32 stage box with Midas Pro Preamps. I run JBL SRX and Presonus ULT series powered PA sets usually with a JBL PRX 3 way and sub set and JBL SR dual 15" with 2" horn plus passive 18" sub set as backups, or to add
when playing outdoors if needed for some reason. I run 4 JBL EON615's for sidefills/floor monitors depending on how many I need. Other miscellaneous PA in the garage/house used for band practice, etc...
I keep my Hodge Podge Alesis drumkit upstairs all the time in the foosball room. It's
a crap ton of DM10 heads/triggers (about 1.5 kits or more worth) plugged into an Alesis Strike Pro module. My drummer traded me the drum kit for some junk and I bought a Strike Pro module like he uses once they
started selling them separate from the Strike Pro kits. Then there's my trusty el cheapo Ibanez SoundGear bass that gets the job done good enough for me.