Private Stock orders during lockdown

Would you order during lockdown or wait to go to the factory?

  • Order during lockdown

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • Wait

    Votes: 23 79.3%

  • Total voters

Patrick Montgomery

Just one more...
Dec 29, 2020
I have a deal with my wife that when I finish grad school I can get my first PS to celebrate! As things stand now, we might still be in lockdown/quarantine when that happens. I always dreamed of going to the factory with a dealer to pick the woods I want and everything. I wanted to see it in person first. Has anyone ordered a PS during lockdown? How did the experience compare to the “before times” of going to the factory? Did you provide PRS with description of the woods, i.e.: tight flame, wide flame with depth, lightweight body, etc.? How did it turn out compared to picking your own woods? Would you recommend waiting until lockdown is over or do you think it’s not too different in the end?
I've never been the PRS factory and like you I dreamed of building my own guitar one day. I was setting aside the cash to do so at a patient pace, but then I saw a used PS with literally my exact build, only thing that was different was the inlay color. I would have gone abalone, but this guitar's inlays were turquoise. Guitar was stopped and yelled "Take my money!" bought it immediately. I do not regret it one bit! Playing my dream guitar is really really sweet.

With all that said, I voted to do it online and get the build started because of the build time involved. I do know that this is not everyone's opinion, and I can definitely see the case to wait. I just know that getting the guitar in your hands and start using it in the studio, geez it's glorious! I play mine almost every day and have done some studio work with it...getting a new guitar is one thing....getting a new #1 guitar is quite another!
It’s going to be a long wait no matter what. It’s 100% worth it to go to the factory. Was one of the coolest experiences of my life for sure.

That said, I doubt they’re even giving dates of possible factory visits yet? Probably best to talk to your dealer. Maybe you can Skype and pick woods. That’s been done before I think.
You can pick remotely. The team pulls some examples of what you think you are interested in and you choose from them.

The thing about being in the vault, is you are likely to see things that didn’t cross your mind, so wouldn’t have been pulled for you to look at remotely. I wouldn’t have had a chance to start a cocobolo neck run if I hadn’t seen one lonely neck blank on the top shelf.
Well what are your options at the moment? 1. Do you have a dealer you're going through or 2. are you going directly to PRS? If 1, ask them to get PRS to send pictures of what you are looking at and have those shown to you or if 2, they aren't letting anyone accept employee's in the factory at the current moment (Tried asking for an internship at PTC as an apprentice, got told because Covid, safety restrictions and stuff) but that was August, with a vaccine now out you may be able to go to Maryland and go into the vault for a tour. Thats just my two cents
Are they really letting people who have the vaccine schedule visits?
I actually have no idea. I said that more as a guidepost as to what I surmise the reopening of our economy may look like. I do suspect that the rate of vaccination will be a major determinant, and as we have seen with other institutions, approval for visits may actually require proof of compliance.
You can pick remotely. The team pulls some examples of what you think you are interested in and you choose from them.

The thing about being in the vault, is you are likely to see things that didn’t cross your mind, so wouldn’t have been pulled for you to look at remotely. I wouldn’t have had a chance to start a cocobolo neck run if I hadn’t seen one lonely neck blank on the top shelf.

This. I ended up looking at like seven tops (Brian ended up taking two or three of them for his own builds), and I'd have never gone w/a Honduran RW neck had I not been in the vault. Being there made things better. The guitar turned out okay.
I hate to do it, but let me answer your question with a question:

Given that a PS is a guitar you (likely) keep for life, in the long run which do you think you'll regret more: Waiting a few more months to order your guitar OR Not getting to pick out your parts in the vault when you had the chance?

In case you're wondering where my head is at:

And for the record: I have a NGD coming up soon only BECAUSE I spent some of what was in the Next PS Piggybank on a different one. I only did that BECAUSE I'd never consider a build without doing it in the Vault - even after already having done one in the vault.

So. Frackin. Amazing.
I went to the factory for my first custom build in July 2019. I wasn't planning to initially but the idea quickly grew to get the 'whole experience' package for the first build. I'm glad I did despite the added travel expense and not particularly enjoyable flight (flying from west coast isn't a bit long for such a short trip).

My specs were pretty locked down before we flew there. I knew what I wanted (curly maple neck, curly maple top, ash back, bats inlays) and wouldn't have deviated from that. I wanted to stay below a certain price point. Also got to meet Paul which was great.

If you go there without being dead set on specific woods I imagine the experience to be even better as you can just marvel at the wood section and pick what jumps at you. You need to have an open ended budget for that though; I'll use that mindset if I ever go to the Vault again in the future.

There are things you see in person you would easily miss if you don't ask when doing a virtual vault call (haven't done those yet but I'm due for 3 of them...):
- you may want to look at the sides of the top blanks to see whether the figuring is dying off down below the surface, as that's what you'll get once the top is carved.
- it's very very hard to get an idea of the chatoyance, even on a video call, compared to being in person and holding the blanks at different light orientations.
- I was already amazed by some of the early tops we looked at and the dealer was like 'that's more of an Artist grade top' :p, it was great to have a dealer familiar with the process.

On the downside I went there wanting a specific wide curl reversed chevron orientation top and there really was only one that was satisfactory (but still not wide enough curls). I ended up not picking that one because the one with horizontal curls just was far more chatoyant. In this case waiting for PRS to find a top like I imagined and doing a virtual visit would have been great too; it's just a case of setting the expectations right - there are lots of fantastic woods in there but if you are too specific on what you want you may feel disappointed if you don't find exactly what you envisioned.

Overall though, fantastic experience.

Having said that I ordered 2 during lockdowns. I trust PRS and the dealers I used to pre-select the figuring I want before dong the virtual vault visit (still waiting for that); we'll see how that goes.
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I had a similar deal with my wife. Get my GED, and she was going to let me buy a PRS T-shirt. I hope you sitiation turns out better than mine. That test is tougher than I thought. I'm not a good studier.

You're lucky. I tried to make a deal with my wife for an amp. She said I could have an amp-themed shirt.

I ended up with a tube top.
