4000 posts about nothing...

.... Betty White's gullet while she was wolfing down a freshly grilled footlong. I mean I know she's a celebrity and all, and I don't know who invited her to the cookout, but it just seemed like........

In between munching on the frankfurter, Betty shared pictures of her father who was privately rolling over in his grave several times over. You could say, he was on a...

And thinking that this would taste so much better with tartar sauce...and less volume...
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Grumpy Cat wouldn't be happy, even if they served fish tacos. Woodchuck burgers were more her style, but apparently Betty had already downed those too. That smell, they burnt wood smell, it seemed all too familiar like the time Val accidentally dropped her soldering iron into the pot cavity of the...
Grumpy Cat wouldn't be happy, even if they served fish tacos. Woodchuck burgers were more her style, but apparently Betty had already downed those too. That smell, they burnt wood smell, it seemed all too familiar like the time Val accidentally dropped her soldering iron into the pot cavity of the...

Her hair dryer. So, Val merely went home, changed from her usual business clothes into something more relaxing, and sipped on some green tea while she thought, "Hmm. This isn't the catnip I'm used to. So she stopped "shoveling smoke" for a minute, grabbed her yardstick, and stood on her desk because although she was of a feline persuasion, Val didn't own a cat and there was this...
...bizarre tangent the story had veered off on. The table abruptly collapsed due to Deja having chewed through one of the legs. Val was sent tumbling all the way over to the refrigerator, got up and pulled a burrito out of the freezer. Just then, there was a knock on the door. It was.....
...a spokesperson campaigning for the environment. "Would you like to buy a subscription to our newsletter that would be your contribution for a cleaner environment?" the young girl asked.

"Thanks, but no," said Val. "I've got more trouble to deal with and no time to bother with any of this taking of money. Try old man Jenkins up the street, he's filthy rich and is generous with donations."

"Thanks!" the young girl said, and off she went to bother old man Jenkins, dancing to a merry tune along the way.

Val quietly closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief. Her burrito had just pinged in the microwave, and she was now...
Ferlin, who had just come down on the wings of a dove. Or did he he just walk pigeon-toed? I don't remember.

"Got another one of those Mexican sliders?" he asked Val. Deja offered him one of the table legs but ....
Pulled it away quickly just as he reached for it. Just as well, he was allergic to walnut anyway. Val snickered, between bites of the still half frozen half volcanic burrito. Offering him half she....
Pulled it away quickly just as he reached for it. Just as well, he was allergic to walnut anyway. Val snickered, between bites of the still half frozen half volcanic burrito. Offering him half she....

Threw it on the floor and smashed it with a pick axe. Laughing uncontrollably, Val turned to Deja and....
...a man dumped his baby mama for a marmot, which she mistook for a honey badger and they all proceeded to have a huge brawl, until Jerry and the bouncers.....
Michael Eisner appeared at the door with a cease and desist order. Who knew Jerry couldnt actually call his ex by name, without infringing on some copyright thingamajig. Deja munched away on another table leg leaving Val to...
Empty guitar cases. She had more cases than guitars for some odd reason, but she didn't mind. Counting them kept Deja busy when Val was away at work or looking for a new kitchen table. Fifth one this week that .....