Why isn't the Santana model more popular?

Hahahaha....it is perverse as hell, but it's true (though, in my defense, it's taken me 25 years to acquire what now has become a "Collection of 99"). I am trying to thin the herd, though, as I have at least 25 of them currently listed on Reverb. But I still keep buying...WTH...make it stop...I want to get off now LOL?!? :p
Hahahaha....it is perverse as hell, but it's true (though, in my defense, it's taken me 25 years to acquire what now has become a "Collection of 99"). I am trying to thin the herd, though, as I have at least 25 of them currently listed on Reverb. But I still keep buying...WTH...make it stop...I want to get off now LOL?!? :p
There’s plenty of room for another 100 or so. I hear you can stash them at the office, in the guest rooms, even forget where some might be hiding. ;)
@Boogie 'ma Dude...are you staring in my windows LOL? That's exactly what I'm doing. Do you know how much room 99 guitar cases take up....seriously? And I literally lost a PRS two weeks ago only because my wife moved it to rearrange our bedroom a little bit....scared the crap outta me, but found it.
@Boogie 'ma Dude...are you staring in my windows LOL? That's exactly what I'm doing. Do you know how much room 99 guitar cases take up....seriously? And I literally lost a PRS two weeks ago only because my wife moved it to rearrange our bedroom a little bit....scared the crap outta me, but found it.
I'm amazed how you can keep count of all their whereabouts :)
@Boogie 'ma Dude...are you staring in my windows LOL? That's exactly what I'm doing. Do you know how much room 99 guitar cases take up....seriously? And I literally lost a PRS two weeks ago only because my wife moved it to rearrange our bedroom a little bit....scared the crap outta me, but found it.
Personally, not for my guitars, but I’ve experienced friends’ attempts at fixing this problem. I hear that sleeping in a room full of cases makes you dream of private stocks. There’s a person or two here that can support that claim. ;)
All I can say to the title is, “I don’t know“. I love mine, I just don’t care for the ohm symbol truss rod cover so I changed it. Also split my coils etc. etc. Made the Santana model mine.
signature models do that.

On one hand clearly Santana was a big deal for the company and helped them grow immensely. I think in a lot of cases having a famous name like that attached draws people in, but not necessarily to the signature models. Someone might go, righto, Santana plays these, now I'll have a look through their catalogue, and then they find 'standard' models to be more appealing. Some people are funny about playing signature guitars simple because of the name associated, if they are not familiar or don't like them.

In my case I don't know too much about Santana and I was never really drawn to the signature model, but I respect him and what it means for PRS to have him as such a long time partner.

I've only recently become interested in the model, because a local store landed a private stock one with a bright white/blue flame top and it looks stunning. One of those "pick me up and play me damn it" axes you occasionally see. Now I quietly wish I had one just like it

Something about the body shape occasionally, to me, seems a bit odd though
I think they are beautiful! Partly because of the materials and inlays on the US models and partly because of the Les Paul DC shape. It's the PRS I wanted so I picked up the SE model when I saw one used at Guitar Center. I kept it for a few years but I didn't end up liking it. The LP double cut shape was great when standing up but it didn't sit on my leg well when playing at home. The SE model pickups were okay but I grew to hate the short scale length. It was just so cramped up past the 12 fret (it was a 22 fret neck). This is the primary reason I sold it and bought a CE24.
A friend recently gave me a Korean 2011 SE Santana with flame maple top. I liked it so much I bought a SE Santana Standard...less expensive, made in Indonesia, but still a Santana. They are unusual guitars in a number of ways....well...every way. The neck is not like anything I've ever played before. You can make comparrisons to LPs or SGs or whatever, but Santanas are unique. If you like them, they're golden. So I now have 2 and will, no doubt, in the future get one of the 24 fret versions because I've recently acquired a SE Custom 24 Zebrawood and I really like the 25" scale. In my opinion, the Santanas have a sophomoric design, very basic and simple. That's part of what I like about them. If you're talking Core guitars with killer woods and lots of $$$, you're way out of my league, so I'll just let it go at that. I think PRS could make a decent guitar out of 2x4s and toothpicks. The Santanas adhere to the K.I.S.S. principal and that suits me to a Tee. Oye Como Va?

Never played or owned a Santana in any form.... have almost pulled the trigger a few times.

First thing I'd have to do is have coil tap micro switches installed.... LoL!!!
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A friend recently gave me a Korean 2011 SE Santana with flame maple top. I liked it so much I bought a SE Santana Standard...less expensive, made in Indonesia, but still a Santana. They are unusual guitars in a number of ways....well...every way. The neck is not like anything I've ever played before. You can make comparrisons to LPs or SGs or whatever, but Santanas are unique. If you like them, they're golden. So I now have 2 and will, no doubt, in the future get one of the 24 fret versions because I've recently acquired a SE Custom 24 Zebrawood and I really like the 25" scale. In my opinion, the Santanas have a sophomoric design, very basic and simple. That's part of what I like about them. If you're talking Core guitars with killer woods and lots of $$$, you're way out of my league, so I'll just let it go at that. I think PRS could make a decent guitar out of 2x4s and toothpicks. The Santanas adhere to the K.I.S.S. principal and that suits me to a Tee. Oye Como Va?

The bound neck in the se standard is amazing! Really pops.

I’ve aleays wanted a Santana, but never bought one yet. This would be a good route to go
Carlos....ahh yes, Carlos Santana. The most soulful guitarist on the planet. Carlos knows some things about how a guitar should be. But if you got no soul, how the guitar plays and sounds will do you no good, even if it is a PRS Santana Signature. But, maybe an SE is all I need to deliver the soul. Santana II or III gets the job done. Give me Santana reject. I am sure I can make a Soul Sacrifice with it.

I came to PRS through the work of our wonderful music Brother. Good on you Carlos. But I am walking slowly toward your tome. A Zach Meyers SE became my firs PRS. For six hundred bones. I am a manufacturer of fine product myself, I wouldn't build them for 800 bones. In America or Korea. We are really fortunate you know. Santana wanters....go pick up a few more hours, don't deprive yourself, you deserve it. This SE was so fine and responsive, my clumsy fingers had to relax and learn about the joy of playing. Twigged onto and SE 277 next. Oh man, is this real? So beautiful, so low, so wide. I am now a conqueror. So warm and living proof that the electric guitar is a living thing. SE SVN, have any of you tickled one? Yeah, thats what you do with a PRS, of any kind. I am three for three. Man, these rigs are all under 800 bones. With a premium soft gig bag. And beautiful. we are talking matched flame maple tops. Or whatever you call the artist top sound wood.

Soon a Silver Sky will arrive. Will I like it. Hell yes. Its PRS. True, they should believe in themselves as much as many of us do, and invest in heftier production schedule. There are a lot of brother and sisters out there being born. {see previous post about the children}. No matter, I got my orphan coming. I will care for it with all my love.

Next up? SANTANA, probably many of them. Gonna bust my ass to fill the house with those kids. Gold first? Purple? Whale Blue? What ever it is, it is going to be lovely.
The bound neck in the se standard is amazing! Really pops.

I’ve aleays wanted a Santana, but never bought one yet. This would be a good route to go

Do it, man!!!! You'll be pleased!

Regarding the topic, all I can say is that I think the Santana is an acquired taste. I know for me, the guitar had to grow on me. The I and II always seemed a little too "bling" with the purfling on top of the body, and the III looked to "blah" without the purfling, lol. The control placement seems weird, but appealing - but more weird, especially if you use the controls a lot....

Price is probably another factor (it was for me). PRS are expensive. A Santana can be EXPENSIVE - and not easy to find in a place where you can play the "quirky" instrument before spending - in some cases - the cost of two used PRS'. Due to these factors, I think a lot of people just overlook the Santana model.

It took me several years before I found the Santana to be an interesting piece. It also came down to finding one that "spoke" to me. When I saw the one I ended up buying, there was NO hesitation. I looked away for a couple minutes, went into a panic fearing somebody else would beat me to the punch. I went back to the advert, and bought it. I NEEDED it.

It was worth it. Everything that seems "quirky" and "odd" about the Santana is a non-issue. It's a KILLER guitar!!!
PLayed one that was fantastic, looked like this:


Only reason I didn't buy it was because it kept sliding off my lap when I played.
I played a bunch of different ones, and this one took the cake.

On another note, did Santana actually ever play one of these with the diagonal inlays?