Thanks for the last two years

Alnus Rubra

Loving nature’s wonders
Oct 17, 2017
So I was checking something out in my profile and heck, where have the last two years gone to?

Obviously the big day, 10th September this year, when thanks to Jim and Sergio, I became a true member of this forum.

But this rare on-line community that we have here, is something special. OK there the odd rammy between a couple of passionate dudes, but in general we play nice, which is so unusual these days.

Thanks to everyone who’s taught me something, shared their passion for music, uploaded funny stuff and much much more.

I got to play the SE245 at volume the other day and that baby is immense. Thanks guys!
Hugs to you, my bro!

Right back to you JB!

SE245? mention a guitar in a thread and don’t provide photographic proof of said instrument? I was unaware that Daisy Rocker put out such a model?o_O And, we need a fresh photo, you know, proof of life kind of thing.

:D Rock on indeed, buddy! Rock on...

Well Aunty Agnes is most definitely alive, she was breathing fire the other day!
