I won't say I came around to this decision quickly. I've been playing PRS since 1991 and have owned a great many of their models over the years. Early last fall I bought my first (and so far only) DGT. It has one Wood Library bell/whistle that initially attracted my attention - it has a Brazilian rosewood fretboard, and I very much like the little bit of extra snap it provides at the onset of the note transient.
Here's a disclaimer I want to be very clear about:
While I've decided the DGT's the right guitar for me and all of my idiosyncrasies, it may not be for you and your own preferences. This isn't a prescription for anyone else. I'm NOT suggesting that anyone else go run out and buy one. Only talking about myself here!
I've been playing my DGT in regular rotation with my PS models (McCarty Singlecut, 30th Anniversary PS Ltd., 20th Anniversary of Private Stock Ltd) for 6 months. I've become comfortable enough about what I can do with it to be able to discuss what I love about it without saying, "Gee, this is a wonderful honeymoon."
Disclaimer No. Two:
I don't play metal. I know nothing about how this guitar works with metal, and don't much care. I don't see why it wouldn't, but you might not want to read on if that's what you're into.
SFX: [9/10 of the board runs for the exits.]
A little background: I'm an Americana, Brit Pop/Rock, and Bluesy player. I hire people to do the other styles when a project comes along requiring things I don't do. I'm a tube amp player, and one of my amps is a PRS DG30, a great match for this guitar, though my other 3 amps sound great with it, too.
I rarely use dirt pedals, and mostly only use delay as an effect, though I've now tried this guitar with lots of different effects.
The guitar is set up with the stock PRS 11 ga. strings. I'll get to why in my next post, since my wife is demanding I take a break and get some exercise