Do you name your guitars?

This'll cause a stir, no intent to beloved @helmi above.

"Foil Packet"

And yes, sometimes the fish you catch you cook in foil packets. Other times, it's so you can see clearly. I think that's how my parents described what the foil packets were when I asked them decades ago. Not baseball cards. (Ducks and covers.)
I think I'll just save my breath tonight. The evening news was speaking a language (gibberish) other than my native tongue that made sense only to people who read the Sunday paper. Even though I had not read that particular section of soon as they began talking about casinos, I shut the TV off. I didn't feel like "dealing" or "having to deal" with folks who enjoy gambling. I do not enjoy betting on games, sports, card games, or other methods that can cause you to lose your shirt. And since I don't like being "taken to the cleaners," if any of you know me well, this is how I relate to my "namesake identities" whom I've never met IRL, but are connected to me via our love for music.

if you must know what my plans for this weekend are, I plan on doing some gardening, and washing my car. My mechanic will need to do some work on the car soon that is beyond my scope. Besides, I don't own tire ramps and my engine needs regular maintenance. My mechanic is a close family friend, and its appreciated what he can do to keep my car in working order. And no, it's not brake work.

And no, none of my guitars are named "Captain America," although I did mention serving up a burger for $8.75 some days ago.
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After owning a guitar for many years, I finally decided to name them.

Like any self-respecting Chicago Bluesman (a title that really does not apply to me) ...

I mane them after Wemin... (at the risk of being labeled as sexist-pig-dog):eek:
Usually, that I have had only "aspirational " relationships with .Wemin, I know (or knew) and wish maybe things had been different with ...

Place of manufacture is an important consideration. I have been lucky to know ladies from several different countries (or ethnic backgrounds) where guitars that I own have been manufactured, so there is that .

Its kind of like Mary Spender pointed out to Paul and John Mayer, that guitars are "fashioned" after the female form (they are curvy , unless you are Bo Diddley)

"Aspirational" relationships are the key ,as I do aspire to be able to play one of these devises one day .If I named them after actual relationships .... Well I'd be more like Peter Townshend ,or Hendrix at Monterrey, and probably not have any guitars left ...:oops: