That "green thing"!

I lived in NYC pretty much my entire life.
A couple of months ago I relocated to
about 15 miles south of Garner NC.

Can you say "culture shock" ?

I lived in NYC pretty much my entire life.
A couple of months ago I relocated to
about 15 miles south of Garner NC.

Can you say "culture shock" ?

Tony...I hope you Enjoy the Peace and Quiet!!!

We took our daughter into NYC for her birthday...and 2 days was PLENTY!!!!
My version of Culture Shock.
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The problem is not that this generation is a little bit worse than the last generation or the last couple. The problem is that, starting with the industrial revolution humans (i.e. rich westerners) have burned millions and millions of years worth of dead plans and animals in 250 years. Add to that large-scale resource extraction, human ingenuity in the form of plastics, weapons of war, and other nasty chemicals we've developed to kill things we don't like (and each other), our relentless pursuit to rid the planet of every other species except for farm animals dogs and cats, and our innate inability to comprehend problems that span longer than our lifetime, and you end up where we are today. Half the world doesn't even recognize there is a problem.

To me it is something of a paradox, and I understand the push-back. The very activities that have plunged our planet into its peril are those that brought us out of caves and ultimately drinking bloody marys at 35,000 feet during our weekend trip to Paris. The advances in quality of life over the past 100 years especially are astounding. Why should we denounce and roll back the progress that humanity has collectively made? We're trying to thread the needle with technology but it may be too little too late.
This is one of those threads, that if you look at the OP, then jump forward to anywhere else in the thread, you think you've accidentally switched to another thread. o_O:p:p:p
I use recyclable bags regularly, and take out the trash, rather than let it pile up. I also used to compost when my garden would allow, before and after the growing season. I've put the composting aspect on pause until the growing season concludes about early October. TBH, my cucumbers are doing nicely.

I realize that the majority of non-recyclables end up in a landfill where it takes many years for the non-food items to degrade back into soil components. Some items take centuries to break down into soil components.

Meanwhile, mankind is ruining the earth for future generations with all this pollution. Our soil, water and air need to be clean for us to remain healthy. If not, we will see increasing cases of sickness and early death.

Fortunately, the earth is blessed to have mechanisms in place that regularly cleanse and recycle things. The forests, when old trees fall, are returned to the soil because of fungi, insects and earthworms. Forests help cool and regulate temperature on our planet. The next example includes the air. The air cleanses itself with precipitation and the carbon and nitrogen cycles. The water also with the precipitation cycle.

There is a specific point where tipping the scales too far in one direction may throw these cycles out of whack. One such cycle is the oceanic cycle which acts as a heat transport system from the arctic poles deep underwater around the globe. It can take thousands of years for the cycle to repeat itself from the original point. If the ocean temperatures continue to rise, this might jeopardize the heat transport system.

Am I worried about what will happen in the future? Mankind, if it does not wake up from its self-induced sleep, may not be around to see the future. Those who are awake and are being watchful are sounding the warnings today.
This is one of those threads, that if you look at the OP, then jump forward to anywhere else in the thread, you think you've accidentally switched to another thread. o_O:p:p:p

We tend to follow a Pulp Fiction model when it comes to threads.

And at some point, someone goes all Amanda Plummer and screams, "Just execute the m***************!"
We tend to follow a Pulp Fiction model when it comes to threads.

We've all (or most) been guilty of getting off track in a thread before. Sometimes the thread needs it! LOL But this one is kind of like putting me, you, Candid Picker, ScottR and Alnus in a room and saying "take turns shouting out random topics, or, post a long serious post in reply to a joke." :D:p
It's OK our threads stay on topic about as well as we recycle,.especially plastic. We say we do but do we really? Google it. It blew my mind..
This is one of those threads, that if you look at the OP, then jump forward to anywhere else in the thread, you think you've accidentally switched to another thread. o_O:p:p:p
Thank you for saying this. I have actually considered pulling this thread (Hans it) because I did not want to start a green debate. The original post was meant to say that you should not judge people because you don't know their story well enough to do so. That is all I intended when posting it, and it instead has turned into a green hydra of mythical proportions (although it has not reached the level of "24 hours in"). I truly apologize for opening a can of worms, when all I wanted was to instill the importance of respect for one another.

I did start a thread in June that I hoped would go off rails, and the first 24 hours was fun, but then it died (for reasons unbeknownst to me). If anyone wants to goose it, here is the link:

Green politics ain't why I am here or why I originally posted this. Carry on as you see fit!
It's OK our threads stay on topic about as well as we recycle,.especially plastic. We say we do but do we really? Google it. It blew my mind..

I use Yeti water bottles and tumblers. NO plastic water bottles! After seeing the islands of plastic floating out in the oceans, I swore off them for as much as humanly possible.
Thank you for saying this. I have actually considered pulling this thread (Hans it) because I did not want to start a green debate. The original post was meant to say that you should not judge people because you don't know their story well enough to do so. That is all I intended when posting it, and it instead has turned into a green hydra of mythical proportions (although it has not reached the level of "24 hours in"). I truly apologize for opening a can of worms, when all I wanted was to instill the importance of respect for one another.

I did start a thread in June that I hoped would go off rails, and the first 24 hours was fun, but then it died (for reasons unbeknownst to me). If anyone wants to goose it, here is the link:

Green politics ain't why I am here or why I originally posted this. Carry on as you see fit!

I agree. Thought it was a casual read and compare/contrast with the past. Suddenly people are getting all serious about it. Trust me, no apologies needed. I knew from the start what it was supposed to be, and it's not on you if it get's derailed. Heck, in the last couple years, I posted a couple of "joke" threads that not only got locked down by mods, but one of them inspired me to leave for a while over the reactions to what was clearly a joke.

You know what Forest says: "Threads are like a box of chocolates. You never now what you're going to get until you bite into it."
Thank you for saying this. I have actually considered pulling this thread (Hans it) because I did not want to start a green debate. The original post was meant to say that you should not judge people because you don't know their story well enough to do so. That is all I intended when posting it, and it instead has turned into a green hydra of mythical proportions (although it has not reached the level of "24 hours in"). I truly apologize for opening a can of worms, when all I wanted was to instill the importance of respect for one another.

I did start a thread in June that I hoped would go off rails, and the first 24 hours was fun, but then it died (for reasons unbeknownst to me). If anyone wants to goose it, here is the link:

Green politics ain't why I am here or why I originally posted this. Carry on as you see fit!
I got the meaning of you OP, and appreciated it
In the spirit of a good natured "then and now" topic, I had an interesting conversation with a client yesterday. After my strong instructions to not use her credit card while in the mortgage process, she informed me that "she spent $300 on school clothes for one of her children, and was taking the other one shopping tomorrow."

I did not grow up rich, or anywhere close to it. But we weren't poor. I can remember getting 1 new pair of jeans and a couple shirts when school started. I remember my parents buying the jeans at least one and maybe two sizes too big, and me having to roll them up, because I was growing fast and would outgrow them far before they ever wore out. I remember as we got older, my brother was shorter and thicker than I (football player vs. basketball player) and the concern my parents had when my "hand me downs" were not going to fit my brother. NOT because they couldn't afford new cloths for him. They could. But it was considered "wasteful" not to pass the clothes that were in good shape from one boy or girl down to the next. My tall slim jeans wouldn't fit my brother. My parents made sure to find another family who needed them and give them all away when I outgrew them.

For reference before I get to part 2 of the story, we owned a home, and boat, a camper, had an inground pool and 5 acres.

My borrowers mother was in my office when I had that conversation and after hearing it, she started discussing the things above, and how that's how it was in her family, and as far as she knew EVERY family back then. Then she said... "my daughter doesn't own a home yet, but her 12 year old has an iphone. She just spent $300 on new clothes for her 8 year old daughter for school. Everything she wears is new and name brand. She's never had one used or hand me down item of clothing in her life. She has already asked for her own iphone for Christmas this year, and will probably get one... yet you're telling my daughter her debt ratio is so tight to buy a new home that she can't put $300 on a credit card to buy those clothes. She (mother) is the youngest of 3 girls and said "only every once in a while did I ever get any new clothes, and if so, it was usually a Christmas present. " She said she gave the 8 year old grandaughter a very nice and expensive dress for Christmas last year and she opened the box and said "oh, it's just clothes."

You can form your own opinions about what is right and wrong, but when people have two teens with iphones that aren't yet 13, and their debt ratio is the only reason they can't buy a home, I think we can agree that the changes in priorities and trying to keep up with the Jones' are causing a lot of financial trouble and I'm sure other issues.
We've all (or most) been guilty of getting off track in a thread before. Sometimes the thread needs it! LOL But this one is kind of like putting me, you, Candid Picker, ScottR and Alnus in a room and saying "take turns shouting out random topics, or, post a long serious post in reply to a joke." :D:p

Hey I resemble that remark and “Pot, Kettle….”