As we face our ever nearing doom, I’d like to thank you all for how special you have made the last couple days. I wake up to 52 likes this morning after a TON yesterday, the next time I looked in todayI had 32… then every time it was even a few minutes it bound be 5 more here, 10 more there… I’m thinking I had around 200 in the last two days. I just wanted to thank you all. You like me! You really like me!!!
Wish you could have shared some love before the end of the world, but hey, at least you shared it and I’m taking the win! So, until we meet again at that great wood drying room in the sky, I bid you adeu…. Not that I’m leaving just yet. I just got off the elliptical and I’m combo jacked up and exhausted. After my shower, I could crash hard... Or we have storms coming in so I could just lose electric. Either way, if this is indeed goodbye, I love you all!
And.. see you all at TGP tomorrow. First one banned gets a free beer at the next Experience! HAHAHAHAHA.