Hey! That Apple Fell Near My Tree


Zombie Four, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
So, had my first colonoscopy today. My wife drove me to Five Guys afterwards because, after a day of nothing but water, jello, broth, ginger ale and Gatorade, I really wanted something I could taste.

While we were there, she texted our daughter to tell her that everything was good. I told my wife to tell her that, despite what she may think, they did not find my head up my @ss.

This sweet child, who I held when she cried when she was sick, carted to numerous activities, and have supported all her life, said....

"They should probably check again...they didn't go up far enough"

Which is a funny line - and makes me proud. But it doesn't end there.

When my son got home from work, I pulled out the report and showed him the pictures, and said, "Despite what you and your sister think, this proves my head is not up my @ss."

He said, "Yeah, Kate sent me the conversation." My wife said, "She told you about it?" He said, "No - she posted it on her Instagram page."

Which makes it even funnier. But when my wife told her mother about it, she said, "Yeah, I saw it on her Facebook page."

I have taught her well...
So, had my first colonoscopy today. My wife drove me to Five Guys afterwards because, after a day of nothing but water, jello, broth, ginger ale and Gatorade, I really wanted something I could taste.

While we were there, she texted our daughter to tell her that everything was good. I told my wife to tell her that, despite what she may think, they did not find my head up my @ss.

This sweet child, who I held when she cried when she was sick, carted to numerous activities, and have supported all her life, said....

"They should probably check again...they didn't go up far enough"

Which is a funny line - and makes me proud. But it doesn't end there.

When my son got home from work, I pulled out the report and showed him the pictures, and said, "Despite what you and your sister think, this proves my head is not up my @ss."

He said, "Yeah, Kate sent me the conversation." My wife said, "She told you about it?" He said, "No - she posted it on her Instagram page."

Which makes it even funnier. But when my wife told her mother about it, she said, "Yeah, I saw it on her Facebook page."

I have taught her well...

I Reserve the right to borrow this at the appropriate Time! :beer:
Great stuff. Let me know if you need a shoulder. I could stand a Ricker's trip. <3
LOL! That's a good one.

I've had three already and I'm only 25 - chronic stomach issues so every few years I get an endoscopy and colonoscopy at the same time.

The prep for the colonoscopy is not fun but the procedure is a piece of cake.
I've had three already and I'm only 25 - chronic stomach issues so every few years I get an endoscopy and colonoscopy at the same time.



My father-in-law just had the big double, so now I call him that (but only to my wife, because she knows the joke).

The prep for the colonoscopy is not fun but the procedure is a piece of cake.

I have to say, the prep wasn't as bad as I expected. My wife had to do two this year (the first for a colonoscopy, the second for surgery - she had a form of cancer in her appendix, as it turned out). The first one (and the one I did) was with over-the-counter stuff. She also did the prescription pipe cleaner. The OTC stuff hit her harder (and quicker) than it hit me. After seeing her do the prescription stuff (and a half-dose at that), I was intimidated by the amount of liquid to drink. I ended up drinking almost the same amount overall - and couldn't wait to have something with flavor the next day.

Hope all is well with the stomach issues...
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