Delphi, we have a problem.

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I posted that first video of the India "moon landing" because when I first saw video of it I thought it was a joke at first. Little did I realize that only the 21st century intellectuals realized it was fake. Everyone else didn't question it. Don't you want to be 9 steps ahead of most people? See I'm not mad at all over these insults because I know I'm right about 90% of it. Sure there is disinfo out there but savvy minds can figure it out.
I’ve got no social media. I’ve limited my non-work related internet interactions to two guitar forums, including this one. I honestly thought that people claiming the moon landing was fake were trolling. I didn’t think that people educated in a first world country genuinely thought that earth is flat rather than an oblate spheroid. I’ve been missing out
Naw, its true man. The problem with our educational system and specifically this problem is...people know moon landing hoaxers are wrong, but cant explain why. Just like we know the Earth is a sphere, but many people cant explain why. I learned basic Earth cosmology and physics much later in life because its just not taught comprehensibly enough to younger grades of schooling.
I’ve got no social media. I’ve limited my non-work related internet interactions to two guitar forums, including this one. I honestly thought that people claiming the moon landing was fake were trolling. I didn’t think that people educated in a first world country genuinely thought that earth is flat rather than an oblate spheroid. I’ve been missing out
Nah it's real and it used to be easier to figure out in the past. Now days they censor such material most of the time. Flat earth is not a subject I would touch on here. Let's just say there is no proof the earth is a rotating ball in space. First off, space doesn't really exist the way it is portrayed and YOU CAN'T GO THERE!
Naw, its true man. The problem with our educational system and specifically this problem is...people know moon landing hoaxers are wrong, but cant explain why. Just like we know the Earth is a sphere, but many people cant explain why. I learned basic Earth cosmology and physics much later in life because its just not taught comprehensibly enough to younger grades of schooling.
Wrong on so many levels. Most people know the theory of rockets and space. They just never really thought about it realistically. But let's just say our schools need more funding. No, they learned about the landings in these schools you think are terrible but then an amazing thing happened. They learned to think for themselves.
Problems galore: A rocket can go up in our atmosphere but once it gets too high the air thins out. No more propulsion.
Then you get into a vacuum and there is no air to push off of. That wouldn't work. The pressure would make the craft explode if it was
a vacuum. The craft's walls were super thin. The heat and cold difference would kill everyone inside. Not enough protection. Not near enough oxygen to support a trip that long. Power would be a problem. Batteries weren't as good as they are now. Solar panels? lol. And more and more and more. If you want to believe it because you saw it on tv. That's not proof. Much of what you saw was a simulation. Probably from a soundstage. The floating spacewalks are likely done in a pool under water. That's why many people see bubbles. There is more of a deception going on than just the space program but that's part of it.
Dude, stick to music because you clearly missed math, science and physics in school.
Wrong on so many levels. Most people know the theory of rockets and space. They just never really thought about it realistically. But let's just say our schools need more funding. No, they learned about the landings in these schools you think are terrible but then an amazing thing happened. They learned to think for themselves.
No, they don't. People know what a rocket is, but they don't know the basics of how it works. I had to remind you of Newton's Third Law of Motion, a simple concept that is not debatable, you learn in high school, it works and it works all the time, everytime. This is why when I see say... high schoolers debate flat earthers, they struggle. Flatties love those "gotcha" points. If you arent familiar with the point, then you cant argue against it, and so a flattie looks smart in comparison, even if they are hopelessly wrong.

Concerning this whole concept of independent thought, you equate "thinking for yourself" as being a contrarian, watching a clickbait youtube video on "secrets The Man doesnt want you to know". Thinking for yourself means you go test concepts. Figuring out the Earth is an oblate spheroid is something anyone can do with high school level math. Proving the Earth's rotation can be done with a string, a pen, and a paper. However, you actually have to, you it. Time and time again your "free thinking" peers refuse to do them, preferring to plug their ears and post memes. You can't go through life being so willfully ignorant...or well, I guess you can.

There's a great quote, and I forget who said it, but something to the effect of "Winning a debate is harder than it appears because in order to do so thoroughly, you must destroy your opponent's reality". That's what I'm trying to do, destroy your reality. Of course, nobody likes that, but if you were as much of a free thinker as you claim, then you should think once in a while that you may be wrong. If you think I'm wrong, then by all means prove it. Not with memes, not with a video from some other braindead stooge, not with rhetorical questions, show me the data.

I'm pretty much writing you off as a lost cause at this point. I think I'm really just doing this now for @bodia 's entertainment. Lol
@Draconomics, just adding a bit to your already good science
The pressure differential isnt much either.
The LEM pressure was 4.8 psi with pure oxygen. The skin could be thin because it never operated on earth. Even the command module had a pure oxygen atmosphere which became a major problem when Apollo 1 caught fire on a ground test with pure oxygen at sea level pressure (14 psi) & killed Grissom, White and Chaffee

When you have an area without air, heat cannot transfer through.
Vacuum is an extremely good insulator. However, heat can be conducted via direct contact and radiation as well as convection. The Apollo missions rotated on their way to the moon to keep a more even temperature. The Webb space telescope has a 5 layer sun shield, with vacuum between the layers, to keep both the telescope itself and the infrared sensors pretty close to absolute zero as opposed to the bottom of the sun shield which I'll guess is at a few hundred degrees.

so how would the dust blow away anyhow?
Dust blew a lot during the landing of the craft. You can see stuff blowing during landings and a takeoff (for one mission where a TV camera broadcast was left there and operating)
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You're not destroying my reality, you're trying to get me to backslide where I once was. You see when people learn new information their minds evolve kind of like the evolution you believe in but don't have proof. Why would I want to go back when I'm about 9 steps ahead of you. Just because people get angry because we have more knowledge than them doesn't mean we have to sink to their level. You have 2 choices, stay quiet and play along or put your facts and knowledge out there and if they don't like it, too bad. It's a you problem not a me problem.
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You're not destroying my reality, you're trying to get me to backslide where I once was. You see when people learn new information their minds evolve kind of like the evolution you believe in but don't have proof. Why would I want to go back when I'm about 9 steps ahead of you. Just because people get angry because we have more knowledge than them doesn't mean we have to sink to their level. You have 2 choices, stay quiet and play along or put your facts and knowledge out there and if they don't like it, too bad. It's a you problem not a me problem.
"only the 21st century intellectuals realized it was fake."
Who are these people exactly?
Name them please.
Regarding The Flat Earth Subject...

Why Do So Many "World Organizations" Have A Flat Earth Map As Their Logo?

It Was Said Earlier That The Firmament Doesn't Exist And There Is No Evidence Of It. The Firmament Is Mentioned In The Bible Several Times.
@Draconomics, just adding a bit to your already good science

The LEM pressure was 4.8 psi with pure oxygen. The skin could be thin because it never operated on earth. Even the command module had a pure oxygen atmosphere which became a major problem when Apollo 1 caught fire on a ground test with pure oxygen at sea level pressure (14 psi) & killed Grissom, White and Chaffee

Vacuum is an extremely good insulator. However, heat can be conducted via direct contact and radiation as well as convection. The Apollo missions rotated on their way to the moon to keep a more even temperature. The Webb space telescope has a 5 layer sun shield, with vacuum between the layers, to keep both the telescope itself and the infrared sensors pretty close to absolute zero as opposed to the bottom of the sun shield which I'll guess is at a few hundred degrees.

Dust blew a lot during the landing of the craft. You can see stuff blowing during landings and a takeoff (for one mission where a TV camera broadcast was left there and operating)
Very nice, thank you for expanding on my points. I'm trying to keep it simple because...well, trying to explain things to sentient potatoes is a challenge. As a bit of a semi correction, the dust thing I wasn't totally sure on as far as the volume blown off the surface, but given the lack of atmosphere I figured it wouldn't be much. I had forgotten the Webb telescope uses a vacuum insulator between the sun shield layers. That's a great example. I should have mentioned Apollo 13, the whole issue if memory serves was one of the onboard oxygen tanks that exploded and that was the root of the catastrophe. Same with Apollo 8, oxygen tank no. 2.
Regarding The Flat Earth Subject...

Why Do So Many "World Organizations" Have A Flat Earth Map As Their Logo?

It Was Said Earlier That The Firmament Doesn't Exist And There Is No Evidence Of It. The Firmament Is Mentioned In The Bible Several Times.
Ok, again I'm assuming your not trolling...

The Flat Earth map you are referring to is known as the Gleason projection. It's one of many ways to show the surface of the Earth, but all of them have distortions. Why?'s a 2d representation of a 3d object, that object being a globe. Several continents are stretched in ways that do not comport with reality. If you resize them to be geographically accurate, then the oceans get bigger.

The Bible, and please forgive me if you take offense to this if you are religious because I don't mean to be rude, but I don't care what it has to say about scientific concepts and cosmology. It's a bibliography of the people and tribes who participated in its writing. It's not a scientific source and shouldn't be viewed as such. It doesn't contradict science so long as you take things like the firmament as allegory. Objectively, we have never seen any evidence of a dome structure encompassing the Earth. There is certainly no physical evidence to suggest it's existence. If it was there, we'd know about it.
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You're not destroying my reality, you're trying to get me to backslide where I once was. You see when people learn new information their minds evolve kind of like the evolution you believe in but don't have proof. Why would I want to go back when I'm about 9 steps ahead of you. Just because people get angry because we have more knowledge than them doesn't mean we have to sink to their level. You have 2 choices, stay quiet and play along or put your facts and knowledge out there and if they don't like it, too bad. It's a you problem not a me problem.
And there go...the Dunning-Kruger effect in full swing. You are too ignorant to realize how ignorant about a subject you really are. So you can easily call yourself an expert with zero knowledge about the subject because you don't realize you know zero about the subject! It's fascinating and one of the reasons flat earthers, space deniers, and the like are so interesting. It's a strange form of arrogance. Most people find it funny, but to me it's such fascinating psychology. Have you ever heard of Flat Earth Aussie Jesus? He thinks the sun is a portal to another dimension, but he says it with such conviction and confidence, you'd think it was a Kaufman prank. Reminds me of someone...
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