PRS DGT SE Intonation


New Member
Dec 3, 2023
I have a problem with this on my DGT SE on the top E string using 9-46's . Really the bridge needs to be fitted nearer the nut to achieve any form or real intonation as the saddle is touching the tremolo screws.. Not good quality control .. Anyone else with this problem ?
Question, are you using the stock saddles? I don't know if the DGT SE has the same kind you find on other trem equipped SEs, but I never had great intonation with them. I had a similar issue on my 35th. It cost me, but moving to mannmade saddles made all my intonation problems disappear.
I got a new DGT SE in February from Sweetwater. It was good to go right out of the case. I added a brass block so I had to remove the saddles. After I put the saddles back on intonation was not an issue. I use Ernie Ball 9's. The guitar sounds and plays great.
Loosen if it is flat and tighten if it is sharp.
Also if you’re using a headstock tuner, try with the guitar unplugged. Or with neck pickup and tone knob at around 7.
I have the same issue, E and B are right up against the trem screws, B intonates but E is flat and can't be adjusted further. Did you ever resolve this?
Loosen them all of the way off and start again it’s likely you’ve passed the point of intonation
Also it’s a balance imho I don’t think you’ll get every string cent for cent intonated it’ll be a compromise a few cents on one or two strings most likely but if you’re butted up against the screws I’d reset all to max screw length and start again….
I removed the saddles and got my Dremel out and ground down the front of the saddles and removed a bit of the screws ! All ok now ! Poor design !
Yikes, that's where I thought I might have to go. I wonder if I knew manmade bridge would help any?
Dunno about that ! Swapped the volume pots over so the top one is the neck pickup! There is enough slack in the wiring to do this without unsoldering anything ! Nice guitar , neck a bit fat but good value !
Dunno about that ! Swapped the volume pots over so the top one is the neck pickup! There is enough slack in the wiring to do this without unsoldering anything ! Nice guitar , neck a bit fat but good value !
I did the same with the volume controls. I also had a locking tuners and Ibanez speed knobs