This Is How We Do It


Zombie Four, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
When I read the word "gear" I don't think of the guitar. I think of everything else. For me the guitar is a category all by itself. The amp almost is too, but if pushed I'd have to admit it is a part of "gear". Maybe from years of only having an acoustic. Anyway, in accordance with that perspective, I am gear anemic and guitar overweight. My pedal board is completely invisible. I do have a delay but haven't figured out how to really use it. I love reverb but that comes with the amp. I'm completely happy with a good amp, a good guitar, and a connection between them.
When I read the word "gear" I don't think of the guitar. I think of everything else. For me the guitar is a category all by itself. The amp almost is too, but if pushed I'd have to admit it is a part of "gear". Maybe from years of only having an acoustic. Anyway, in accordance with that perspective, I am gear anemic and guitar overweight. My pedal board is completely invisible. I do have a delay but haven't figured out how to really use it. I love reverb but that comes with the amp. I'm completely happy with a good amp, a good guitar, and a connection between them.

I dig that recipe.
330 milliseconds, 30% repeats, and 30% mix. Turn it on for guitar solos and single note lines, creates a great bed or a “pillow” if you will for you to do your thing with.
Thanks, I'll try it sometime. I bought it to get that Comfortably Numb vibe but never got the timing right. My ear just hears an echo.
Thanks, I'll try it sometime. I bought it to get that Comfortably Numb vibe but never got the timing right. My ear just hears an echo.

You might want an analog (or analog style) delay. They have this thing where the delay sound is more "in the background" due to the necessity of removing treble so as not to be too noisy.

Classic Digital and Tape style delays are great for the delay-up-front texturing sounds.

If you can get a modern delay with a tone (or even a loop) for the delay signal, you can also do some great stuff!

So, yeah, sometimes it *is* the gear. ;)
Here’s me stepping into the other line. :oops:

For the last 4 years or so, since I found/achieved perfection (SuperD, pedalboard of Mordor, and 1 of 3 PRSi), my quest was to find Panacea with all of my guitars. The Kemper made that a reality and my time has been spent optimizing, not acquiring. I know, I’m a heretic. But I’ll be thru my line before you guys need your first bathroom break. :D
Here’s me stepping into the other line. :oops:

For the last 4 years or so, since I found/achieved perfection (SuperD, pedalboard of Mordor, and 1 of 3 PRSi), my quest was to find Panacea with all of my guitars. The Kemper made that a reality and my time has been spent optimizing, not acquiring. I know, I’m a heretic. But I’ll be thru my line before you guys need your first bathroom break. :D

That does hope for a Santana :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

But, since you're a stand up dude, you can still come to Santana Fest. We'll need someone to hold the door open.