Know what’s even better than owning a PRS?

I just went blind. Les, you really need to change your X-rated websites.
Markie once told a story about 11Top senior...

I'm renting a drone to fly over the next PRS Experience and take photos so I can see if some of you guys are real or not. I thought about renting a helicopter and flying ScottR over the event to take pics, but he's too easily sidetracked by red guitars and readheaded women.
Paul’s got ya covered...
I'm renting a drone to fly over the next PRS Experience and take photos so I can see if some of you guys are real or not. I thought about renting a helicopter and flying ScottR over the event to take pics, but he's too easily sidetracked by red guitars and readheaded women.
Wouldn't it be easier for both of you to attend and just say hi?
You have lovely legs and I’m of course jealous! I hide this by an occasional jibe!;)
Come on man, it's a joke. If people actually start saying they like my legs, I'll get self conscious... :eek::eek:
