

Zombie Four, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
Let me start off by saying all is good - even if some of this sounds horrible, and is, but it's not as bad as it could be. But really, it's all good.

So, my wife turns 50 tom'w. Earlier this year, they found some mucus on her appendix and it had to come out. That happened a couple weeks ago. It was big - really big. And, as we found out yesterday, at least part of the problem was malignant. I know how that sounds, but the doc said "It's not what you wanted to hear, but if you have to have this, it's about the best it can be." At this point, it all looks to be contained in the appendix, and the surrounding tissue was negative, so there's no call for treatment only monitoring, So, she's still a bit sore from the surgery but well on her way back, and she took about 2/3 of the day to, in her words, feel sorry for herself. I told her she has to wear any Livestrong stuff ironically now. That's just background for what she doesn't know is coming.

As I said, she's turning 50. So I hit the jewelry store early this summer and ordered a small piece to commemorate the occasion. Granted, it's not as nice as what I got her for our 25th anniversary a couple years ago, but it shouldn't be. TONS of people, every day, turn 50 years old. So far, only she has put up with me for 25 years (well, 27+ now). She doesn't know yet that tom'w afternoon we have to hit the jewelry store to get the chain for it. (I was quite the hit at the jewelry store. The very cute saleswoman who took care of me - sadly not a euphemism - asked on my first visit when her birthday was. It was six or seven weeks out at the time. She said, "You're kidding? We never get guys shopping that early!")

But here's the better part.

Our daughter came home today so she can go to dinner tom'w. After dinner she has to go back to WV. Or so my wife thinks. What she doesn't know is that my daughter has planned a small surprise party for her, so when she leaves tom'w, she's only going to grandma's, where the party will be. My son's in on the gig, too, but my wife doesn't have a clue. And she's a lousy liar.

The anticipation for all of this is killing me. But she deserves it - I tell her I wake up every morning surprised that she didn't smother me in my sleep.
Happy Birthday to her, and best wishes. You must be very confident she doesn't surf guitar forums. :laugh:
Happy Birthday to your wife Alan, and I hope she has a speedy and complete recovery. :)
Alan, very happy your wife is on the mend and hopefully comes out of it all healthy and feeling much better! Wish her a very happy birthday. She's a pretty special person for being able to put up with you- hell, I barely made it thru a foosball game with you! :D
Alan, very happy your wife is on the mend and hopefully comes out of it all healthy and feeling much better! Wish her a very happy birthday. She's a pretty special person for being able to put up with you- hell, I barely made it thru a foosball game with you! :D


Alan, you're a good dude. And I'm certain you keep excellent company. Best wishes! <3
Glad to hear the docs think all is well. Keep up on it.

Good luck keeping the party a surprise, and celebrate the hell out of the day!
Great move dude! You the man!! Glad to hear she is on the mend and best wishes ! Have a great time at the party, it will be a one of those memories that wont be forgotten!
Thanks for all the good wishes, guys. The recovery is going well, and if the doc is right, it's all in the rear view mirror, so fingers crossed on that front.

On the party front - we pulled it off beautifully. We went out to look at couches, which resulted in us being about 30 minutes late, but she didn't have a suspicion until we pulled up and my parents' car was in the driveway - and she saw a line of cars down the street. She was trying to figure out if she knew any of the cars, so I'm not sure how much she really suspected. She had no clue our daughter had been there the last two day (she thought she was back in WV).

I did tell her she's done - the celebration is over now. She stretched her birthday through mine (that's right, on my birthday, I went to HER party), but she's done now.

Kudos to my daughter, who really did all the work. She organized everything, invited almost everyone, and stayed at my in-laws' to get things cleaned up and set up.
That's awesome that you guys pulled it off. Hope she continues down the happy path to recovery!