Friday Morning Vent Session

Next time this happens, let the individual(s) know that the 21st Century Intellectuals will infiltrate their life and disrupt it considerably should they run afoul of their spoken words!
Once I caught on to her bull****, I should have started talking about flat earth.
You’ll find someone who fits the bill and won’t let you down.
I know. Sometimes it feels like a musician's desert. Theres tons of em, but 95% are useless wannabes. I think what I was mad about most is here you have a band of musicians who have many live gigs under their belts, done quality work with a swath of people in the industry over the years, actually want to work with you, but you cant be bothered to look at your messages? Piss off.
It looks like Larry has got parkinson’s. I saw him about 3 months ago on what he said was his final tour. The band was smoking hot, and his son took the most amazing bass solo I ever heard. I consider Larry one of the greatest guitar players most people don’t realize they’ve heard repeatedly. Between songs, I could see the tremble in his hands, just like my father had. He’s a wonderful musician.
It looks like Larry has got parkinson’s. I saw him about 3 months ago on what he said was his final tour. The band was smoking hot, and his son took the most amazing bass solo I ever heard. I consider Larry one of the greatest guitar players most people don’t realize they’ve heard repeatedly. Between songs, I could see the tremble in his hands, just like my father had. He’s a wonderful musician.
Oh wow, if that's true thats about nightmarish for a guitar player. I sometimes dread about getting carpal tunnel or that in my later years. Right now, I have to be careful at my day job. I'm using my wrists all the time. Concerning Larry, the further I get as a guitarist the more it seems I just wanna be Larry, or a combo of him and Trower. The lines he plays have a certain spunk to them. I was looking at charts for his Kid C solo this morning and it's just chock full of so many great phrases. It's one of those solos you can always go back to for inspiration if you think your playing is getting stale.
So... forgive me for posting, but I just needed to vent some frustrations.

I've recently assumed leadership of the band I joined a year ago, and we've been looking for a female vocalist to complement our lead male singer. He's the sweetest guy, but he's a bit older and has a very busy schedule, but he comes to practice. The idea was to give him someone to play off of and to share the workload.

We got contacted by this gal who wanted to join. Great! Exactly what we needed. However, she never got back to us to set up an audition. I reached out thru her Instagram. Zilch. I finally messaged her saying I had to move on since she was not responding. Well, that got a response. I got her number. Great, so I message her songs to work on for her audition. No response. I call her, and that seemed promising, so all seemed well.

Rehearsal day comes, she messages me. Her car broke down. No problem, things happen, move the audition to next week. I say just call me to reschedule. I wait five days for a callback...zilch. I call her, convo was good, she would call the next Monday and give me an update. Monday comes, zilch. You see a pattern here? I call two days later, she can't talk, going to work. Says to call next day before 2pm. I do this, she can't talk, has an appointment, will call me later that day. Ok fine. Now, Let me say it takes a lot to piss me off, but the straw that broke my back was when my rhythm guitar player, and guy who made the group to begin with, and a guy with over fifty years experience in live playing sends her a lovely welcome message, and got ignored. Message her yesterday night, she now tells me she's too busy and it won't work out. Yes, I can see that. Even Ray Charles can see that. Thank you so much for stringing me along for three weeks.

The TLDR and moral of the story is this: there are 24 hours in a day, or 1440 minutes, or 86,400 seconds. If you can't take fifteen seconds to make a phone call or to check messages that you are expecting, you shouldn't be playing with a band period. Don't chase people down, just let them go. No musician is worth doing that for.
When you tolerate other people’s Sh!t, pretty soon you’re up to your neck. I wouldn’t give that vocalist a second thought. Next!
So... forgive me for posting, but I just needed to vent some frustrations.

I've recently assumed leadership of the band I joined a year ago, and we've been looking for a female vocalist to complement our lead male singer. He's the sweetest guy, but he's a bit older and has a very busy schedule, but he comes to practice. The idea was to give him someone to play off of and to share the workload.

We got contacted by this gal who wanted to join. Great! Exactly what we needed. However, she never got back to us to set up an audition. I reached out thru her Instagram. Zilch. I finally messaged her saying I had to move on since she was not responding. Well, that got a response. I got her number. Great, so I message her songs to work on for her audition. No response. I call her, and that seemed promising, so all seemed well.

Rehearsal day comes, she messages me. Her car broke down. No problem, things happen, move the audition to next week. I say just call me to reschedule. I wait five days for a callback...zilch. I call her, convo was good, she would call the next Monday and give me an update. Monday comes, zilch. You see a pattern here? I call two days later, she can't talk, going to work. Says to call next day before 2pm. I do this, she can't talk, has an appointment, will call me later that day. Ok fine. Now, Let me say it takes a lot to piss me off, but the straw that broke my back was when my rhythm guitar player, and guy who made the group to begin with, and a guy with over fifty years experience in live playing sends her a lovely welcome message, and got ignored. Message her yesterday night, she now tells me she's too busy and it won't work out. Yes, I can see that. Even Ray Charles can see that. Thank you so much for stringing me along for three weeks.

The TLDR and moral of the story is this: there are 24 hours in a day, or 1440 minutes, or 86,400 seconds. If you can't take fifteen seconds to make a phone call or to check messages that you are expecting, you shouldn't be playing with a band period. Don't chase people down, just let them go. No musician is worth doing that for.
Sounds like she was stringing herself along and you were just collateral damage. Either way, you guys probably dodged a bullet.
Singers and other musicians know I'm going to pay them a couple of hundred bucks on the spot, whether it's an audition or final recording session. But I work with folks who are full-time musicians, so that's how they make a living. When it's a union gig there's the additional incentive of royalty payments.

People can be flaky as hell when it comes to doing things where there isn't much financial incentive. Unfortunately, that's the case in way too many band situations. Been there, and it's a PITA.

But they rarely leave money on the table.