What is Goldtop listening to?

John Lennon (who passed away thirty-four years ago Monday), Tony Levin, and Rick & Bun E. from Cheap Trick doing "I'm Losing You".

Goldtop Lloyd
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Let me see... I think this album came out in '77. Even though I liked his music and respected his playing like crazy, I was more into a Hard Rock mode at the time. I bought the record, but honestly part of the reason I got it was because of the beautiful lady on the cover. And the dancer was fine too! *

So, the record sat around for three or four days before I opened it. But when I did, WOW! As always, the man had speed and dexterity I could only dream about. That's one of the reasons I admire his playing so much. Mr. Al Di Meola and "Mediterranean Sundance".

Goldtop Lloyd

* To this day, I have never owned a black guitar. The fingerprints and smudges and scratches drive me bonkers! I think they're great in everybody else's hands, but I just can't have one myself.
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Thursday. I hope everybody's having a good day today.

Christmas Tip No. 22 - If where you live doesn't have a fireplace and chimney, don't sweat it! I have it on good authority that Mr. Claus welcomes a more traditional entry/exit from time to time. As long as Rudolph and The Gang can stand in the yard and snack on the offerings in your neighbor's flowerpots everything's cool!

Here's Vince Vance and The Valiants doing "All I Want for Christmas is You".

Goldtop Lloyd

P.S. - Whoa! I just noticed that this is post 3500 for me. Thank you all for putting up with me this long! :hello:
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Many thanks to the late John Candy and the movie "Uncle Buck" for the inspiration here. I caught a rerun of it last night, and presto!

I can't listen to either one of these songs without thinking of the other, so I'm posting both of them here to save time.

Tone Loc - "Wild Thang".

Van Halen - "Jamie's Crying".

Goldtop Thang
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FRIDAY! ALRIGHT! May we all have a good, safe weekend.

We're getting closer to The Big Day! (And of course by 'Big Day', I'm talking about the start of the NHRA Drags season out in Pomona California. C'mon February!!!)

And the other Big Day? Christmas! Ho Ho Ho! This is RUN-DMC and "Christmas in Hollis". Cute 'reindog' in this video...

Goldtop Lloyd
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I'm doing a "T-O-O-T" of this song to try to erase the memory of whatever chocolate candy company it is that's using it in their ad right now. This is "I Thank You".

Sam & Dave Version.

ZZ Top version.

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It's Saturday in The USA. Please have a great weekend!

It's a big day here at the apartment complex where I live. Today is the yearly Bake Sale/Crafts Sale aka 'my-grandkids-are-better-than-​your-grandkids-and-my-daughter/their-mother-says-the-police-will-probably-drop-the-charges-against-them-because-they-never-do-anything-wrong' contest. The grannies gather, the claws come out, and it's all out verbal war and general ugliness mixed in with the day old breads and sugar-free cookies and earrings made from old Schlitz beer can pull tabs. Thankfully, I am safely at home with my SE One and my tunes and my tv, so I'll be able to avoid the madness for another year. Yay!

This is Danny Davis and The Nashville Brass doing "Silent Night". We're getting closer to The Big Day!

Goldtop Lloyd
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Oh, it's a good Saturday! A few minutes ago I grabbed my guitar, grabbed a pick, and for whatever reason this song came to mind. So in honor of that moment, here's a "T-O-O-T" of "Paperback Writer".

An episode of The Beatoons.

A cover by The B-52s. Video from TOTP (?).

Goldtop LPC
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This is for Lemmy. I hope his health improves and he soon feels better than ever, ready to kick it and take names!

Mr. K., if you happen to read this, my personal note to you is the following: Even if you and The Boys slow down just slightly for the sake of better health, you're still miles ahead of the pack!

"An eye for eye, a tooth for tooth; You all know what I mean!' AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goldtop Lloyd
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Good Sunday Morning to everyone. Just a few more days...

Christmas Tip No. 9 - Buy Batteries. Of all sizes. You never know when your brother-in-law may park his wreck of an old Buick behind you in the driveway. You need to get out for a few minutes just to save yourself the anguish of hearing for the umteenth time about the bizarre crotch injury he received in The Korean War, so you head out to go to the store for milk and sanity but he's got you trapped because his heap won't start! So a spare car battery at the ready on the shelf in your garage might just come to your rescue!

This is The Vandals doing "The Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies".

Goldtop Lloyd
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Monday!!! Here's hoping we all have a great week! Only ten more days til The Big Day (or one of them anyway).

This is a clean Christmas parody by Bob Rivers called "The Restroom Door Said Gentlemen".

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Happy Birthday today to Carmine Appice who turns what... I dunno... 80? 82?* In his honor I'm listening to BBA's "Why Should I Care?" Good Stuff!!!

Goldtop LPC

*According to various sources, Carmine was born in 1946, putting his age at 68.
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Let's get this Monday going, folks! The glorious sound of tubes giving their lives for The Cause!!! AC/DC and the studio version of "Whole Lotta Rosie"!

Goldtop Lloyd
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Man, I'm getting excited! Here's a warning, or a heads-up, or whatever you want to call it: I'm working on my list of songs and artists for the music I plan to post on Christmas day. It looks like there'll be some new things this year, and some of the usual favorites. Just a few more days. :biggrin:

There's a new collection out called "The Art of McCartney" with various artists doing his music. Billy Joel, Heart, Willie, B.B. King, Bob Dylan to name just a few... It's a double CD, and some editions also include a DVD on 'The making of'. This is a "T-O-O-T" of "Eleanor Rigby", first by The Beatles and then by Alice Cooper.

The Beatles.

Alice Cooper.

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I listen to Humble Pie fairly often. Here's a clip of them doing "Honky Tonk Women"!

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No sleep tonight; too many ghosts. Holidays are always really hard for me. Have been all my life. Every year I hope they'll get easier but they never do. Maybe someday...

This is "Rock & Roll Damnation" from AC/DC. For some reason I just can't get Malcolm off my mind.

Goldtop LPC
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Tuesday morning, and there are only a few days left until The Biggie. I really hope we have snow for Christmas where I live; I love a White Christmas.

This is George Jones and Tammy Whynot doing "Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus". Why? Why not!

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If you've seen ZZ Top in the last few years then you know that during "La Grange" they throw in some bits from other songs. One of those songs is "Sloppy Drunk Blues" by Lucille Bogan. So, here's the four of them! :wink:

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