I just got lost for three hours reading about guitar gear, watching guitar gear videos, etc. There's so much stuff out there for players' endless fascination that I can't call it a guitar gear rabbit hole.
It's a guitar gear rabbit black hole that'll vacuum up every nanosecond you have left on this planet if you get too close to the event horizon!
There is apparently no finite limit of what's available for electric guitarists.
"What was it like back in the day, Les?"
"Simpler. Way simpler. You had a handful of quality choices in guitars, Gibson, Fender, and Rickenbacker were the mainstays. You could pick amps from Fender, Marshall, Ampeg, and a few smaller brands, like Magnatone, Standel and Kustom if it was a big store with a lot of stock. You could buy a fuzz pedal, of which there were maybe a half dozen brands, a wah, of which there were about two decent brands, and an Echoplex tape delay. You didn't see Echorecs in stores on this side of the Atlantic. Roland didn't exist to concoct the Space Echo, or found Boss until later. You bought whatever cables the store carried, one brand. That was about it."
"Yes, for today's gear hounds. People spent their time back then playing music live instead of obsessing about this stuff. Great records were made that set the stage for electric guitars for what, 60 or more years."
"You were not on those records, Laz."
"Much to my eternal shame and regret!"
It's a guitar gear rabbit black hole that'll vacuum up every nanosecond you have left on this planet if you get too close to the event horizon!
There is apparently no finite limit of what's available for electric guitarists.
"What was it like back in the day, Les?"
"Simpler. Way simpler. You had a handful of quality choices in guitars, Gibson, Fender, and Rickenbacker were the mainstays. You could pick amps from Fender, Marshall, Ampeg, and a few smaller brands, like Magnatone, Standel and Kustom if it was a big store with a lot of stock. You could buy a fuzz pedal, of which there were maybe a half dozen brands, a wah, of which there were about two decent brands, and an Echoplex tape delay. You didn't see Echorecs in stores on this side of the Atlantic. Roland didn't exist to concoct the Space Echo, or found Boss until later. You bought whatever cables the store carried, one brand. That was about it."
"Yes, for today's gear hounds. People spent their time back then playing music live instead of obsessing about this stuff. Great records were made that set the stage for electric guitars for what, 60 or more years."
"You were not on those records, Laz."
"Much to my eternal shame and regret!"