The Guitar Gear Rabbit...Black Hole


Master Of The Universe (Emeritus)
Apr 26, 2012
I just got lost for three hours reading about guitar gear, watching guitar gear videos, etc. There's so much stuff out there for players' endless fascination that I can't call it a guitar gear rabbit hole.

It's a guitar gear rabbit black hole that'll vacuum up every nanosecond you have left on this planet if you get too close to the event horizon!

There is apparently no finite limit of what's available for electric guitarists.

"What was it like back in the day, Les?"

"Simpler. Way simpler. You had a handful of quality choices in guitars, Gibson, Fender, and Rickenbacker were the mainstays. You could pick amps from Fender, Marshall, Ampeg, and a few smaller brands, like Magnatone, Standel and Kustom if it was a big store with a lot of stock. You could buy a fuzz pedal, of which there were maybe a half dozen brands, a wah, of which there were about two decent brands, and an Echoplex tape delay. You didn't see Echorecs in stores on this side of the Atlantic. Roland didn't exist to concoct the Space Echo, or found Boss until later. You bought whatever cables the store carried, one brand. That was about it."


"Yes, for today's gear hounds. People spent their time back then playing music live instead of obsessing about this stuff. Great records were made that set the stage for electric guitars for what, 60 or more years."

"You were not on those records, Laz."

"Much to my eternal shame and regret!" :eek:
Tempting a rift in the universe by crossing the streams..........

That black rabbit hole of guitar gear is, for most of 'merica, a baby black hole compared to that dark autumnal hole of football.

Three hours, that's less than one game!

Tomorrow (Saturday): Deion Sander's imported Colorado Buffs vs Nebraska, 'Bama vs Longhorns, Wolverines vs creampuffs, Trojans vs creampuffs (Stanford).
Sunday, Monday & Thursday: Sundry NFL games with some featuring half-billion $ QB's

Maybe you can play music during halftimes.
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I have a discussion along these line frequently for Open Mic's . Newbies trying to cover up their lack of chops by hiding behind a pedal board.
My reply is consistent : Muddy Waters, Son House, BB King , Lightnin Hopkins , etc didn't need them .. so neither to you .

While I have more boxes than I reasonably need and have enjoyed them , the older I get the more a good guitar and amp is all that is needed.
I posted a thread earlier in the week singing the praises of simplicity, so I'd be foolish to say otherwise here.

But a characteristic of being a fool is often a comical lack of self awareness, so what the hell...I LIKE the Black Hole!!!! While it is a bit troubling that as you approach the event horizon, the attractive force seems to pull harder on money- particularly large bills and credit cards-, I do find enjoyment in whiling away the hours investigating and learning about various bits and bytes of electrical signal manipulation. That I spend much of the day in front of a computer and this presents a welcome distraction while "working", rather than being an excuse to not actually PLAY, makes it less guilt-inducing.

I like toys. They are fun to play with. Not as much fun to play with as other people though, and when I'm doing that, Less Is More.
It isn't just pedals , collecting guitars can be a black hole ... the search for the Holy Grail .. We are fortunate to live in time with a cornucopia of choices in fine instruments , and just when you think you're done ... along comes another irresitible beauty ....
It isn't just pedals , collecting guitars can be a black hole ... the search for the Holy Grail .. We are fortunate to live in time with a cornucopia of choices in fine instruments , and just when you think you're done ... along comes another irresitible beauty ....
I really think I'm done buying electric guitars, amps and pedals.

I have more great guitars than I ever thought I'd own, all upgraded with my favorite pickups and hardware.

The Klon has been my go to overdrive for years and I have a KTR as well as the "Jeff" that J Rockett made for Jeff Beck.

I have a Strymon Timeline, Providence Chronos and Keeley Halo for my my delays.

Both the Hall of Fame 1 and 2 reverb pedals.

If I need chorus I have one of those Boss CE2 Waza Craft units that gets all the classic Boss Chorus tones.

The amps I own are all my favorites from a lifetime of collecting.

NOW: What guitar to bring tonight? My brother wants me to play the blues with him at the Boardwalk in Crawford, Colorado.

I'm tempted to try my '00 PRS CE22 with the Bare Knuckle Abraxas pickups. Not a very bluesy looking guitar tho...

Probably bring my favorite Bernie and a Deluxe Reverb.
I just got lost for three hours reading about guitar gear, watching guitar gear videos, etc. There's so much stuff out there for players' endless fascination that I can't call it a guitar gear rabbit hole.

It's a guitar gear rabbit black hole that'll vacuum up every nanosecond you have left on this planet if you get too close to the event horizon!

There is apparently no finite limit of what's available for electric guitarists.

"What was it like back in the day, Les?"

"Simpler. Way simpler. You had a handful of quality choices in guitars, Gibson, Fender, and Rickenbacker were the mainstays. You could pick amps from Fender, Marshall, Ampeg, and a few smaller brands, like Magnatone, Standel and Kustom if it was a big store with a lot of stock. You could buy a fuzz pedal, of which there were maybe a half dozen brands, a wah, of which there were about two decent brands, and an Echoplex tape delay. You didn't see Echorecs in stores on this side of the Atlantic. Roland didn't exist to concoct the Space Echo, or found Boss until later. You bought whatever cables the store carried, one brand. That was about it."


"Yes, for today's gear hounds. People spent their time back then playing music live instead of obsessing about this stuff. Great records were made that set the stage for electric guitars for what, 60 or more years."

"You were not on those records, Laz."

"Much to my eternal shame and regret!" :eek:
I think I was happier early on. I am certain my tone sucked completely but I was oblivious as being able to play a guitar loudly was enough to satisfy my needs at the time.

There weren't as many choices available so you simply "run what ya brung".

Ignorance was bliss
Tempting a rift in the universe by crossing the streams..........

That black rabbit hole of guitar gear is, for most of 'merica, a baby black hole compared to that dark autumnal hole of football.

Three hours, that's less than one game!

Tomorrow (Saturday): Deion Sander's imported Colorado Buffs vs Nebraska, 'Bama vs Longhorns, Wolverines vs creampuffs, Trojans vs creampuffs (Stanford).
Sunday, Monday & Thursday: Sundry NFL games with some featuring half-billion $ QB's

Maybe you can play music during halftimes.
Yup, I'll be heading down into the Wolverines rabbit hole today - it's the only football I watch.

The Lions are always fool's gold, year after year, so I stopped watching them. The other day I'm told I missed them beating the Chiefs. They always give the fans one or two games, pack the stadium, and then break the fans' hearts. I'm not buyin' it...yet. ;)
While I have more boxes than I reasonably need and have enjoyed them , the older I get the more a good guitar and amp is all that is needed.
I'm inclined to agree. I need effects for the work I do - clients usually aren't interested in classic blues stuff, I often have to play like some other guy - but I do like a little tape delay.
But a characteristic of being a fool is often a comical lack of self awareness, so what the hell...I LIKE the Black Hole!!!! While it is a bit troubling that as you approach the event horizon, the attractive force seems to pull harder on money- particularly large bills and credit cards-, I do find enjoyment in whiling away the hours investigating and learning about various bits and bytes of electrical signal manipulation.
I like it, too - but man, the cost! ;)
I really think I'm done buying electric guitars, amps and pedals.
I'm not really a guitaraholic. Why, I stop shopping every day. ;)

Seriously, I've declared I'm finished buying guitars every time I've gotten a new one. So I'm giving in and giving up.
It isn't just pedals , collecting guitars can be a black hole ... the search for the Holy Grail .. We are fortunate to live in time with a cornucopia of choices in fine instruments , and just when you think you're done ... along comes another irresitible beauty ....
If I'm a collector, it's been in series, not parallel. I've had a lot. But I never have more than 4 or 5 at one time.

I can't beat what I've got in the PS models I own. They're perfection.

However, I've gotten a new WL model every year since 2016; they've all been different models than my PS guitars, and have come and gone (except the new DGT).

They've sounded great, but didn't sound different enough to keep around, and they couldn't touch the PS'.

The DGT does some different things. I hope I can muster up the self discipline to hang onto it. There's no self-discipline involved in the PS models. They're my Grails.

So why do I see so many nice guitars, and why do they appear at my house? It's an inverse effect when it comes to guitars and music and black holes.

My money sure gets sucked in, and time! :)
I'm there, too.

There weren't as many choices available so you simply "run what ya brung".

Ignorance was bliss
So true. Also...being young and free of serious responsibility was also pretty blissful!
I must say I think collectively my additions in the last year are enough to satisfy me for the rest of my days . Each aquisition makes the next one more difficult , not financially ( well there is that ..but...) it leads to the BIG question : DOES IT FIT A NEED I HAVE that no exisiting part does.
Hard to be honest with that one but it eventually sinks in . And then the other BIG question : Will I regret it forever if I DON'T .. this is the one that haunts me ... daily ...
I’m contrarian by nature. That character trait seems to extend to my gear purchases. When my gear sounds good, I tend to go shopping. Shouldn’t it be the other way? Yesterday the R9 was sounding glorious. At least until we lost power. This morning the Tele Deluxe was delivering my sound. Yet here I am taking a break and looking at P90 guitars.
Maybe you can play music during halftimes.
Oh, hell yeah! Les & selected bandmates from the forum. An all-star cast, with Mr PRS himself.
but the pendulum can swing too far that way when the tools become more the focus than the thing you build with them.
For sure. Just like the golfer who thinks the brand new (insert name brand here) clubs will take points off his game.
the older I get the more a good guitar and amp is all that is needed.
I agree. Well, maybe a tremolo pedal. And a StroboStomp of course. And maybe a delay. And a phaser. And and and ...
I like toys. They are fun to play with. Not as much fun to play with as other people though, and when I'm doing that, Less Is More.
So true. Except when searching for that Les Paul sound. Then more is more. :)
Probably bring my favorite Bernie and a Deluxe Reverb.
Yes to that, plus the Klon.
The Lions are always fool's gold, year after year, so I stopped watching them. The other day I'm told I missed them beating the Chiefs. They always give the fans one or two games, pack the stadium, and then break the fans' hearts. I'm not buyin' it...yet.
Just like my Vikings!
Just like my Vikings!
The Vikes are a genius team compared to the Lions. But at least the Lions made #1 at something.

The Vikes are a genius team compared to the Lions. But at least the Lions made #1 at something.

This might be the one time you get to see the Lions atop the conference and KC at the bottom…. At least until tomorrow when more teams play!
But at least the Lions made #1 at something.
Yes, those are some dismal season records. But, when it comes to pure heartbreak for loyal fans, it's hard to beat the Vikings records:

Four trips to the Super Bowl - Zero wins.

Legitimate contenders in '98 when we had Chris Carter & Randy Moss at WR and Randall Cunningham at QB. But, lose the NFC title game.

Again, real contenders in '09 when we had Farve, but another NFC title loss.

And last year, us fans being hypnotized by the local sports media and thinking we had a shot at a deep playoff run, get to witness the Bikes get real lucky, end up at 134-4, then lose to the wild team underdog Giants. D'OH.

You know the motto of a true Vikings fan? "JUST WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR"
What was it like back in the day?

Yes, by far it was much simpler but it was life as we knew it and you dealt with what was available at the time. With anything. And in looking back you know what? It was pretty darned good. Perfect, no but again it was what we knew.

I didn't start playing until 1969 (bass) but I got bit by the music bug back when I saw the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show. I wasn't the only one who got bit either. You could walk down any street where we lived and you'd always hear the sound of a band coming from a basement or a garage. It was truly a magical time and an awakening for all of us youngsters. I remember riding my bike to the local music store just to look at the guitars and amps. For a young boy who wanted to learn how to play it was quite a thrill to see the guitars and amps in front of you that your favorite bands were using.

In our eyes the choice of gear wasn't limited. We actually thought there was a good selection available. It was just a matter of a young kid being able to afford "that" guitar or"that" amp. Even though there were some effects pedals back then it was pretty much guitar, cord and amp for the longest time. Once I started playing and was decent enough to jam with friends I really can't recall seeing anyone using an effects pedal. I could be wrong but in looking back it seemed that because of the lack of distractions (pedals, social media, cable TV) people just got down to business that much more with trying to improve on their instruments. It was pretty much "hey, you got a guitar, a cord and an amp so get your fingers moving!" It's like with no special effects you HAD to make it sound good. Now that I think about it, seems that most of the amps that the guitar players I knew back then didn't have reverb! (I seem to remember a lot of Fender Bandmaster amps being used).

I'm now 70 and these old memories of mine are now going on 55 years old. Can't believe how fast it all goes by. Even though I welcome some of the new things with open arms (love my Pod Go!), I find myself missing those simpler times more and more.

Sorry if I rambled. Been very nostalgic lately.
Yes, those are some dismal season records. But, when it comes to pure heartbreak for loyal fans, it's hard to beat the Vikings records:

Four trips to the Super Bowl - Zero wins.
Lions Very Bad, No Good Stuff Summary

The Lions won three NFL titles in the 1950s, with a quarterback named Bobby Layne. They decided to trade him after he led the team to the 1957 title. One his way out the door he said the Lions will never win another title for 50 years. This is known among Detroit sports fans as 'The Curse of Bobby Layne'.

He was wrong. It's been 66 years that the Lions have never won a title. And counting...because The Curse of Bobby Layne is real!

Trips to the Super Bowl: Zero. Goose Egg. Zip. Zilch. Zed. Nil. Nada.

Playoff appearances/wins since 1957: Appearances: 12; Wins: 1 (NFL's longest postseason drought)

Winless Seasons: One, sets NFL record for losses in a season (0-16)

Longest Field Goal: 63 yards, against Lions

Lowest Scoring Playoff Game: 5-0, Cowboys win over Lions

Weirdest Retirement: Barry Sanders, about to break Walter Payton's rushing record, and the greatest running back of his day, offered to return his bonus if the Lions traded him. They refused. Barry retired.

Weirdest Firing: A defensive coach named Jim Cullen got drunk and went to a Wendy's drive-thru naked.

Coaches Who Resigned Out Of Frustration In Midseason: One, Bobby Ross, who'd led the Chargers to the Super Bowl a few years before, was so frustrated by the Lions' management and the team that he quit ten games into the season. It's the only time that's ever happened in NFL history.

Players dying on the field during a Game: One, Chuck Hughes; the only time it's ever happened in the NFL. I was at that game. They rushed him to a hospital but no one knew what was going on at the time, so the game finished. The announcement came on the radio as we were driving home.

First Loss of NFL team to AFL team: Who else? Lions.

It's possible the Lions will have a decent year this year. But there's been too much water under the bridge for me to ever be a Lions fan.

If the Vikings can top these stats, I'll concede. ;)
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