What is Goldtop listening to?

The late, the GREAT, Mr. Bugs Henderson. What a tone he has in this video! Mr. Henderson even comments on it himself. You know you've got something when that happens...

Goldtop Lloyd
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December 7th. Seventy-three years ago today. It was a Sunday. People were at work, or with their friends and families, or attending football games. Some were sitting down together to have a meal. Some were listening to music, and many were simply resting up from a long work week and getting ready for the next one.

Please give a thought to the brave men and women who lost their lives that day, and those who lost them in the days and years that followed. If you see a veteran - regardless of when they served - thank them.

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Lloyd...thank you for posting this. We should always be appreciative of what our Veterans have done for our Country. Thank you to all Veterans, especially Today!!
Lloyd...thank you for posting this. We should always be appreciative of what our Veterans have done for our Country. Thank you to all Veterans, especially Today!!


You're welcome. Thank you too. You're right about our Veterans.

About Bugs Henderson: One night many years ago here in Amarillo I saw him open for Peter Frampton. He was a last minute, unadvertised addition to the show. (IIRC, whoever was supposed to open didn't show for some reason.) I happened to be sitting by a couple of young guys - probably junior high school aged - that I didn't know. The show started, Bugs was introduced, and he came out by himself (!) wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers. He looked like he'd just walked off a beach somewhere. The guys beside me started laughing, but a few notes in they weren't laughing anymore. Bugs stood right at the front of the stage and played his butt off. Before he was finished he had won over the crowd. It was really something to see...

Happy Monday Everybody! May you all have a great week!

Here's a little tune from Holly Cole - "Christmas Blues".

Goldtop Lloyd
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At the moment, I'm in a Hair Metal Mood, so here's Loudness and "(Rock and Roll) Crazy Nights". Go Akira! MZA!!! MZA!!! MZA!!! (For the life of me, I can't remember what that meant. It had some significance with the band at the time, but I can't place it right now...)

Goldtop LPC!!! LPC!!! LPC!!!
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Oh, Baby - What a video! Oh, Mama - WHAT A SONG! Is your Monday a moaner? Is your day a downer? Here's my suggestion to turn it all around: Slap on a copy of this album, (or play this clip, or push the button on your device... whatever action applies), set the volume to 'Bleed', and get after it! In my opinion, a fine mix of Hair Metal/Chuck Berry/Russ Meyer all rolled into one. Faster Pussycat doing "Don't Change That Song"


P.S. - Hi Keisha
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So, the dude's got a Goldtop, right? But for some sick, twisted, reason he decides to glue sparkly thing-a-ma-bobs all over it. In my book, that's just wrong on some fundamental level. And nevermind the bit about 'it's his guitar so he can do what he wants with it'. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Britny Fox and "Girlschool".

Goldtop - Proudly Unadorned (More or Less)
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Who remembers this one? The late, The Great Sam Kinison did a cover of "Wild Thing" and had some Special Guests help out on the video. Rodney Dangerfield, Jessica Hahn, Joe Perry, Steve Tyler, Slash, Billy Idol, Warren and Robin from Ratt, Jon and Richie from Bon Jovi, and too many others for me to list. This is the clean version of the both the song and the video.

Goldtop Lloyd
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Okay, I got that outta my system. Now some good old Chuck from 1955 to cleanse the palate. "Maybellene".

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At the moment, I'm in a Hair Metal Mood, so here's Loudness and "(Rock and Roll) Crazy Nights". Go Akira! MZA!!! MZA!!! MZA!!! (For the life of me, I can't remember what that meant. It had some significance with the band at the time, but I can't place it right now...)

Goldtop LPC!!! LPC!!! LPC!!!

Saw Loudness with Stryper and TNT back in the day. Great Show.
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Man, that was good! I need some more of that. Our Father, Who Art in St. Louis - Mr. Chuck Berry doing "Roll Over Beethoven" from the same gig. 'Lyrics? Hey, I wrote 'em, so I'll botch 'em if I want to!'

Sidenote: When Chuck is at the mic, check out the lady in the front row at about his 5 o'clock position. She looks all stuffy and frumpy and disapproving, but I bet later that evening she was rockin' with the best of 'em!

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Tuesday in The USA! I hope you each have a good one. You have those Christmas lists worked out yet? What about the menus? I've already got my goose in the oven! (Okay, maybe it's more like a Jack's pizza waiting in the freezer, but still... That's high livin' at my place.)

This is The Muppets and John Denver doing "The Twelve Days of Christmas".

Goldtop LPC
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No messin' around today my friends. It's been too long since I did a "T-O-O-T" (say that around a cop and see what happens!), so here's a "T-O-O-T" of "California Man", first by The Move and then by the Almighty Cheap Trick! The Move clip is from the old British tv show TOTP, and the Cheap Trick clip is from a live gig in The Houston Astrodome. Back then, an annual event in The Astrodome was The Houston Fat Stock Show. All kinds of prize winning cattle, horses, trade shows, rodeo performances, and different live music acts every night on a big revolving stage out in the middle of the dirt floor. (Picture NAMM with manure.) It was a HUGE deal in Texas. It went on for several days, and one night after the rodeo you might have George Strait, then the next night Cheap Trick, or Elvis, or ZZ Top, or Selena, or Waylon. God Bless Texas!

The Move with Roy Wood, Jeff Lynne, Bev Bevan, etc.

Cheap Trick with some Blues(!) from Rick. Spurs and Duster by Tom Petersson.

Goldtop Lloyd, who also doesn't care if her legs start achin'.

P.S. - I did a search for the Houston Fat Stock Show and here's a sample of what I found in case anybody is interested. Different name, different stadium (across the parking lot from The Astrodome site), but still going strong. Check out the artists who have played this thing. Incredible. Over the years, all of those Rock & Rollers and Rappers, etc. mixing with cowboys, and no major violence. :top:

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Okay, here's what happened. I freely admit that I am a TV Junkie. The History Channel, live music gigs, documentaries, Biography Channel, some sports (Drags, F1, football depending on who's playing), true crime stuff, The Military Channel, certain old movies... I watch a lot of tv. A few minutes ago I'm watching The Science Channel and an episode of "How It's Made" did a segment on ceramic tiles. At one point the narrator said 'the plaster is cast'. BOOM! As I always say, Inspiration Is Where You Find It. So, The Science Channel and "How It's Made" get either the credit or the blame for this one. A day in the life of Gene Simmons...

Goldtop LPC
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Good Wednesday to you, People! I hope you all have a fine day today. From what I hear, St. Nick is busy right now, receiving bulk shipments of electronic doodads and toys and clothes and books (always one of my personal favorites). Some lucky folks will receive guitars or amps or straps or effects or strings or tuners etc. etc. etc. Hang in there you elves; your vacation time is getting closer...

This is Kenny G doing "White Christmas". It may make me uncool - what's new - but I like a lot of Kenny G's music. Smooth and mellow, goes well with a nice fireplace and frost on the windows and maybe a bottle of wine shared the right company.

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Speaking of Smooth and Mellow. This is the late Mr. Ralph Mooney with Marty and The Superlatives doing a short version of "Crazy Arms".

Goldtop Lloyd
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