The war has been won!!!!


Where is that speedo pic
Nov 4, 2012
washington iowa
I've been married to my awesome wife for giintg on 14 years now but I've been playing music for much longer than that. Although she bought me my first PRS guitar she never really understood the constant gear acquisitions. It has always been a source of irritation for her to see a constant flow of gear rolling in.

We aren't wealthy by any means but we both make a decent living. We don't carry a balance on any credit cards and we keep our expenses very low.

This week I made an awesome purchase and for the first time I got zero grief! !!!
I must have worn her down!!!!!!!! She no longer has the will to fight! !!!!!! I even waited a few days to post this just in case it hadn't sunk in yet!!!!!! Maybe she has an intervention planned and I'm celebrating too soon??? Hmmmm. Does this pave the way for a PS build?????

Seriously, she puts up with stuff I put up with stuff. We have a very good solid marriage and I'm happy to be in it.

Somebody on here said "buy guitars that are the exact same color so she never notices" which is funny as heck.

So, how does the battle go for you?
Double the years, and I have the EXACT same story. I would say, in my case, going to the vault and working up a PS might actually cross the line though. I'm not sure if I could use the "you don't mind if I spend that much on 4 guitars" line of reasoning. But, I'm dangerously close to trying!
My Fiancee hates me spending money on guitar stuff. she doesn't mind cheaper things like the odd pedal but bigger stuff she gives me no end of grief for buying. that said she did buy me my Zach Myers for christmas and a backstar LT Metal pedal for my birthday so she's not all bad.
I got pretty lucky - my wife encourages guitar purchases when she finds them visually appealing.

I have no idea what attracted her to me!
My wife encourages my guitar buying. Now she just says "What you looking at, to get for Christmas" (or my birthday, Father's day etc).

Yeah, it's great. The only problem is, I'm the one who has to control the GAS. I have to tell her, "I'm not seeing much worth getting right now" so I don't get out of control. Well I'm already out of control, but I'm trying to reign it in. One guitar a year is ok right?
(Blimey O'reilly) made me realise. 34 yrs for me so I guess we've managed. She gives a sigh but I don't get Badgered. Bless her!!!!;););).
Somebody on here said "buy guitars that are the exact same color so she never notices" which is funny as heck.

Believe I said that in a coupla posts. I usually get some shade of amber or brown, they all look the same to her.

She hasn't come into the studio when I've had the Northern Lights guitar out of its case yet. :eek:

My only saving grace is that I use the stuff in my business, so that sort of buffers things. Sort of...
It's never been a battle for me. In fact my wife is more likely to buy me a guitar I'm to cheap to spend the money on than tell me I don't need another one. I'd be in pretty good shape gear wise with just things she has bought.
We've been together for 20 years. We have a joint account for shared expenses such as bills, mortgage, travel, dining, and so on. Outside of such expenses our money doesn't touch. If I want something I buy it. Same goes for her. It works for us and it's what we prefer.
I generally don't get too much grief as long as there aren't too many lying around. Of late I've tried to keep the number under 4 tho' looking around I see 6...I haven't dropped the news on the latest Collings CL Deluxe, waiting for the opportune time tho' I hate "hiding" stuff (and refuse to for any more than a few days until I grow a pair). With conventional bank rates of return so ridiculously low, and with my generally shrewd (used) purchases, I never lose money on guitars and in fact often make anywhere from a bit to a tidy sum, so frankly I look at my collection as a low interest savings account.

She doesn't.
Taking a shot here, that newbies like myself can chime in:

Any hobby I've been involved with, I take to extremes. I've never been content with 'good enough,' so I'm always on the hunt for 'it gets no gooder.' (Yes, I's not a word, but I use it for sincere deal!!! :) )

I am interested in reptiles. Snakes, specifically. I caught all types of them as a kid in the deep south, and have always been fascinated by them. I currently own 13, as pets.

I used to be a semi-respectable pool player. I'd spend entire weekends at the table, playing 8-10 hour sessions, in one shot. At one time, I owned 25 pool cues.

I've recently become obsessed with guitars, and learning to play. I have purchased 6 of them, in less than 4 months. I now own 3 PRS SE models, and a new CE24.

My FAR better half knows that I never do anything at 50% power. I'm an all or nothing kind of guy...and she is very supportive and tolerant. She knows I never let 'my things' come before family responsibilities...but she also knows that, when I have 'my things' on the brain, a new toy is coming my way soon. As long as I don't get stuck on stupid, and never let really important things take a back seat, she's great with letting me do what makes me happy.

I'm lucky, and stuff!!!!
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Taking a shot here, that newbies like myself can chime in
Thanks for sharing mate :)

ANYONE is welcome to post at any time, regardless of your post count, how long you've been around or how many guitars you own. As long as it's respectful, on topic, non-Trollish etc, then it's all good.

Anyone who has an opposing view of this, well, they're the ones who shouldn't be posting IMO.
I recently got approval to spec a PS for my 40th late next year, now it's just a matter of squirreling the money away between now and then. The weak AUD vs USD does not help my cause but yeah, it is what it is!
Corker! Bloody ripper dude! Don't come a gutser before then. :D
We've been together for 20 years. We have a joint account for shared expenses such as bills, mortgage, travel, dining, and so on. Outside of such expenses our money doesn't touch. If I want something I buy it. Same goes for her. It works for us and it's what we prefer.

Same here, together for 16 years. Mine has always said my limit is $3k, though. She's generally a great voice of reason when it comes to buying or selling. We talk about everything, so I let her know what moves I'm thinking of making. She knows her stuff pretty well for a non musician, and she even correctly used the term GAS last week.
Same here, together for 16 years. Mine has always said my limit is $3k, though. She's generally a great voice of reason when it comes to buying or selling. We talk about everything, so I let her know what moves I'm thinking of making. She knows her stuff pretty well for a non musician, and she even correctly used the term GAS last week.
Damn, aren't you the lucky one! :)
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