The war has been won!!!!

I'm raising a toast to all the women that support (or at least don't crucify us for) our "habit." I'm fortunate enough to have a good one too. A raised eyebrow is as much push back as I ever get - though that eyebrow has just about rolled off the back of her head once or twice. o_O
I'm raising a toast to all the women that support (or at least don't crucify us for) our "habit." I'm fortunate enough to have a good one too. A raised eyebrow is as much push back as I ever get - though that eyebrow has just about rolled off the back of her head once or twice. o_O
Agreed. Live & let live bro'!!
I've been married to my awesome wife for giintg on 14 years now but I've been playing music for much longer than that. Although she bought me my first PRS guitar she never really understood the constant gear acquisitions. It has always been a source of irritation for her to see a constant flow of gear rolling in.

We aren't wealthy by any means but we both make a decent living. We don't carry a balance on any credit cards and we keep our expenses very low.

This week I made an awesome purchase and for the first time I got zero grief! !!!
I must have worn her down!!!!!!!! She no longer has the will to fight! !!!!!! I even waited a few days to post this just in case it hadn't sunk in yet!!!!!! Maybe she has an intervention planned and I'm celebrating too soon??? Hmmmm. Does this pave the way for a PS build?????

Seriously, she puts up with stuff I put up with stuff. We have a very good solid marriage and I'm happy to be in it.

Somebody on here said "buy guitars that are the exact same color so she never notices" which is funny as heck.

So, how does the battle go for you?
Careful there gush; don't count your chickens before they've come home to roost. :)

But if true, congrats!
Last night on our way home from my daughters Honors Band concert we were talking about guitars I wanted to pick up from our trip to Daves (a Pauls Guitar and a P22 with a killer top). Much to my surprise, she said when we get in to a bigger house, she doesn't care what I buy or how many as long as the bills are paid first:eek: I made her repeat it 4 more times... if she complains, I'm playing back the recording of her own words, lol.

Guess who's gonna push the limits of that statement :)
My wife have an inside joke of sorts (she loves the color purple) and she has pre-approved me buying a purple guitar. Recently I realized that I have 4 PRS guitars and that I don't really need another guitar (none of my guitars are purple). I mentioned this to her and then remarked that I never cashed in my free pass. Maybe I'll save the free pass for after I pay off the truck and the Harley etc and then order a Private Stock Quilted Maple doubleneck guitar in purple smokeburst.

ps We're DINK's (dual income no kids) so we maintain separate bank accounts and share expenses. So while we do occasionally comment on each other's purchases, the "it's your money" rule applies. ;)
Now married for 31 years and some change, my wife is much more accepting of guitar purchases. She is particularly happy when she knows that I have been able to swing a great deal. She is a longstanding thrift store shpper, so deals are in her blood. Early on , however, the day a guitar arrived or came home was not a good day in my household. She would not voice her displeasure, but it would be demonstrated nonverbally.

Trying to be empathic, I think my wife viewed guitar "stuff" as objects that would take my attention away from our daughters, the household and other mutual interests. It also meant that i would be spending time away from all of this.

Now, with my daughters being out of our house and independent, she is happy to see me happy. I think this is not an uncommon progression from my conversations with others. She also likes to listen to me play a lot more since there is a greater margin to her life, too.
My wife does not work outside the house, but takes care of EVERYTHING else, so that I can concentrate on working. (She even packs my lunch every day!!) All of the income goes into our main account. After the bills are paid (monthly expenses. We don't believe in carrying debt, of any kind), we invest a set amount every month and give to animal welfare charities. THEN, we split what's left for fun money. And by split, I mean that she gets 90% and I get 10%. Her hobby is horse showing, which is substantially more expensive than mine!! I can buy whatever I want with my share. I enjoy, and I think she enjoys, being my soundboard for my guitar and gear purchases. It is often very helpful to have another set of ears! (BTW, our 20th wedding anniversary is in December. I'm happier than ever, and couldn't imagine my life without her!!)

My wife couldn't care less, I divorced her in 1984
Damn, aren't you the lucky one! :)

Indeed! I'm quite practical by nature and haven't spent anywhere near $3k for a guitar since I got my HBII back in 2002, and I don't buy guitars often, so it works quite well.

My wife said I had gas last week, too. The other kind. ;)

TMI, Les. :p

I was telling the Mrs about Allen Woody's collection of 400+ basses and how when on tour, he would disappear and the crew had to track him down at local music shops. She said "Now that is some serious GAS!" I was so proud, and the story helped reinforce my position that my guitar habit is quite minor in scope.
I feel incredibly fortunate that my wife plays bass, and we play in a band together. She helps me decide which guitars sound the best.

We've also had separate "allowance" accounts since we married. The joint account for bills and necessary expenses gets the bulk of the money. Each payday we get an equal amount and we can each go buy whatever we want (or save it) - guitars, eating out, night at the bar, etc. I suppose if I saved up a couple years I might be able to afford a PS or something... the desire for that sort of sacrifice and the discipline just aren't there.
For better or worse, we were married after establishing separate professional careers. (And that was MANY years ago). There were (and are) some good reasons for setting up separate bank accounts and other assets/investments. And we each contribute to joint accounts for the "common" good.....Buying a house and cars, educating our son, setting up long term plans, normal living costs, etc. we do contribute.
Having the separate accounts allows either of us to do what we want so long as it does not cause "other" problems.

FWIW, she is much more conservative than me in terms of "buying things". While I am the person doing most of the long term financial planning, investments, etc. So the spending (of "my" money) is not much of an issue (if you discount her amazement and amusement) SO LONG AS the gear does not spill over into "her areas" (or too much into "common areas"). So we get along fine.....She sometimes says she wishes SHE had the same intense interest in such a "hobby" as I do.

And, on the positive side, when I decide to "downsize" on gear as I have been doing lately, there is a lot of cash flowing back into my own accounts.......About $25,000 over the past 3-4 months, another $13,000 (3 guitars) pending and, before I am done, probably at least $30-40k more on top of that. And, to my delight, all I have sold thus far has been WITHOUT having to resort to eBay and the like.
My girlfriend and I had the discussion of marriage this past weekend...It would be the second marriage for us both so we had the "ring or bigger down payment on a house" chat. As it unfolded she wants a nice ring, and she's willing to send me to the Vault in exchange. So ring and a PS instead of a house payment. Yeah...I really like her!
We've been together for 20 years. We have a joint account for shared expenses such as bills, mortgage, travel, dining, and so on. Outside of such expenses our money doesn't touch. If I want something I buy it. Same goes for her. It works for us and it's what we prefer.

Same here, together for 16 years. Mine has always said my limit is $3k, though. She's generally a great voice of reason when it comes to buying or selling. We talk about everything, so I let her know what moves I'm thinking of making. She knows her stuff pretty well for a non musician, and she even correctly used the term GAS last week.

I hear you there.
I'm not technically married, but mine could really care less what I buy. We pay our joint bills together and as long as there's not an issue, she doesn't care what I buy. She'll usually roll her eyes when I talk about "needing" something, her interest is nil. She did care a little about building my PS, mostly only because she knew how much it meant to me. I won't tell her how much it cost. She's asked me several times, but I won't answer. :D I'm sure she's googled it anyway and knows the ballpark. Guess I'm lucky that I can buy whatever I want, but I never get any guitar related gifts either. She bought me some stuff from the PRS store when we first got together, but that was the end of that. She was just trying to reel me in back then. :D
33 years in a few days
My wife and I have a " Don't ask , Don't tell " arrangement she doesn't ask and I don't tell
I mostly get the "eye roll " and "head shake" but as long as she gets the things she wants around the house
I'm in the clear
Since I am married to an Hawaiian woman, music is in their blood and soul, so I'm given a pass on gear.... most of the time... The only one she had commented negatively on due more to looks than to money was that blasted Gretsch Projet Goldtop I just had to have and rue the day I brought it home. "Tita much"? Tita being that flouncy somewhat slutty Hawaiian girl. "eh, got choke knobs, dat one"(choke meaning many)... "Iz too shiny", " I like the one I wen bought you betta"... that one being my McCarty..;-)