The Unofficial Virtual Secret Santa Signup Thread


Zombie Four, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
Here's the deal - it's a Virtual Secret Santa Experience for the board. No actual items will exchange hands. And since I haven't gotten mod pre-approval for this, if they decide to kill it, no whining.

Simply put, indicate in this thread that you want to participate. If we get enough to make it interesting, I'll randomly assign a recipient to you. Then you find an image of the virtual gift you would inflict on them and post it to the gift thread that I'll open in December (again, assuming no mod shutdown).

The guidelines:

  • RULE ONE: Assume no dollar limit. Since we're not actually buying, why ruin the fun?
  • RULE TWO: It's FUN - no heartfelt sentimental crap. FUN!!!!
  • RULE THREE: Inside jokes are great - the more inside the better. Explanations? Eh, if you want.
  • RULE FOUR: There is NO rule four.
  • RULE FIVE: And a limit of three items. Just because.

So, for example, if I got QueenCityGuitars, I'd give him this:


He knows why.

For Sergio:


Because it's blue!

And lastly, for Shawn (if this doesn't get the thread shut down, nothing will):


Signups will end at midnight on Nov. 28. I'll make the pairings and get them to you and then open the presentation thread in December.

Assuming we get enough interest, that is.

The first rule of the virtual secret santa sign up thread is "you never talk about the virtual secret santa sign up thread".

It sounded like a good idea, but then you had to go ruin it with Kiss.

The first rule of the virtual secret santa sign up thread is "you never talk about the virtual secret santa sign up thread".

It sounded like a good idea, but then you had to go ruin it with Kiss.


Oh sure, you go dissin' Kiss after Meader moves to Texas...
Sounds fun. I'm in since I can virtually afford anything.

If someone gets something you really want can you virtually steal it?
I'm in. I have lots of virtual crappy gifts lying around that I'll be virtually more than happy to virtually re-gift. Virtually.
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