Social marketing?


Tja ba!Läget?
May 5, 2012
My girlfriend says a forum like this is social marketing.When i Think about it i can feel myself wanting to buy new PRS guitars mainly for showing them to the other forum members.Like it becomes an obsession in the mind to share newly bought guitars.I have enough guitars as it is :)...and cant really afford more guitars....especially not PRSs...very very expensive here and i dont buy things with credit cards.Can anyone here relate to what im saying?Do we many times want to buy things today so we can share and show others?....with that said i wish i could have a NF3,408MT,custom 22,all 3 S2s and a hollowbody 2 together with a Dallas amp and cabinet in matching colors....and a Johnny Hiland,Dgt and a Brent Mason....preferably artist or custom shop for maximum "wow" factor ;)
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I definitely get it. The forum feeds the gas and inspires changes in opinions about certain items. For instance, as much as I dig the pickguard on my Mira, I just have never been able to get behind the pickguard and Strat-ish body of e NF3 and DC3... Until I started reading about and seeing the Brent Mason on the forum. Now, it's at the top of my list...well, except it just got bumped (, but will be back there soon.

It's an interesting circle with a manufacturer-based forum. There has to be enough fan/fanatic support to keep it going, growing, and positive. If not, it will wither and die with only trolls and one-off questions showing up. PRS has definitely established itself with quality products, AND the abili to listen to it's fan-base (\m/ pickups, anyone?).

That in turn supports PRS by driving interest and purchases.

So, your girlfriend is right. If she doesn't already, teach her to play guitar, and slap a PRS in her hands! We'll help you pick out the model. ;)
I definitely get it. The forum feeds the gas and inspires changes in opinions about certain items. For instance, as much as I dig the pickguard on my Mira, I just have never been able to get behind the pickguard and Strat-ish body of e NF3 and DC3... Until I started reading about and seeing the Brent Mason on the forum. Now, it's at the top of my list...well, except it just got bumped (, but will be back there soon.

It's an interesting circle with a manufacturer-based forum. There has to be enough fan/fanatic support to keep it going, growing, and positive. If not, it will wither and die with only trolls and one-off questions showing up. PRS has definitely established itself with quality products, AND the abili to listen to it's fan-base (\m/ pickups, anyone?).

That in turn supports PRS by driving interest and purchases.

So, your girlfriend is right. If she doesn't already, teach her to play guitar, and slap a PRS in her hands! We'll help you pick out the model. ;)

I concur, I have more PRS guitars than I could reasonably play in five lifetimes yet I still feel deprived.
That guitar in the link is SMOKIN'.
I try to be really, really careful, and only invest in a few really good things that I need in my work.

But I sure have a case of the "wants" for some of the things I see here! It's very difficult to restrain myself.
You should see it on the Toyota and expedition/camping forums I am on.
You can spend an awful lot too on gear, and everyone loves to post up new stuff that makes their adventures better.

Lemme show you my new cookset and propane shower I just got for camping yesterday and today via Amazon.
Ooops, wrong forum :D
For me, it's mostly about the search, the search for tone(s). It's probably a function of living in a place that has a pretty crap music scene, no music store stocks PRS and they're just not popular around here. I can walk into a guitar store and plug a Fender/Gibson/etc into Marshall/Line 6/etc (not even Mesa, they don't stock those either) but it's just going to sound like every other Gibson into a Marshall.

I already know PRS are the best in the business when it comes to guitars (and amps? Still haven't tried one yet!), so jumping on here broadens my horizons I guess. I love PTC threads, NGD/NADs with tone reports, PS builds that are a tone search, customizations etc, because of what others, and therefore I learn from them. I also have this inherent desire to understand how things work, so I like the technical stuff too, setups, wirings, this can be swapped with that etc.

So to answer your question, yes, but it's more for the "Hey check this out, I got this and it sounds like..." rather than "Hey check out the sick top on this guitar I just bought..."

Also there's some funny dudes on here, and having an offbeat sense of humour, this forum feeds that too :)
I try to restrain from purchases and don't let people influence me. Something I'm trying to teach my daughter., don't care what people think. I am possibly guilty though of wanting another prs, not to show it off but to be able to add to the spectrum of sound. My girlfriend believes that if a passion helps your happiness then you should fuel that. Sure I could use a cu24 or a p22 but restrain I must. My dgt fills a huge hole in the sound spectrum.

Prs and many other companies do use forums for marketing however they also use it for r&d and to listen to the consumer. Pretty cool when a company listens to what people want. Always remember this, Paul is a builder, a company owner and most of all a musician.

Well off to research more on a prs cu24 lol
I think most of my buddies and I have discussed the significant impact of this (and other) forums on our need to procure more guitars.
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;92648 said:
I think most of my buddies and I have discussed the significant impact of this (and other) forums on our need to procure more guitars.

It's nothing like what Experience peer pressure will be. :biggrin:
It's nothing like what Experience peer pressure will be. :biggrin:

You haven't experienced (sorry) peer pressure until you're looking at a guitar on the sales floor and the crowd circles you and starts chanting, "Buy it! Buy it! One of us! One of us!" And if you hesitates, the crowd parts and PRSh slides through and just stares at you until you either pull the trigger or run away in shame. I've never withnessed it myself, but I're read on another forum that if you run, some PRS employee (I've heard Shawn, Skitchy and Lenny mentioned) will chase you to the edge of the property, shouting "You weren't strong enough! You were never strong enough!!!"
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;92722 said:
No doubt. I have overextended myself from visiting the sales areas of Exp more than a few times.

It's a crack house.

At least is good company. :five:

I just emptied a credit card. DGT??? JA-15??? Both??? Don't let me forget an amp!!!
It certainly is a vibe at the Experience. For the past 2 years I've bought guitars without anyone else to "peer pressure" me. Not this year. If I don't find exactly what I want, I'll wait. Fortunately, exactly what I want could be 3 or 4 things.
It's nothing like what Experience peer pressure will be. :biggrin:

I would love to be able to make it to Experience. Never been, not going to be able to make it happen this year either. Oh well, maybe next year if I'm still "sunny side up".
"no Jimi, I still haven't been Experienced" :(
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Yes I'm taken in by this attraction too maybe in a different way. I will buy all the prs guitars I can afford even if this forum doesn't exist. What it does is wake me up to topics or methods I hadn"t thought of or even question what I think is correct.

My bass player argues with me about everything music but it's all good as it does challenge what I think is the correct. Some of it has produced positive results some of it rolls off my back. It makes the end result better, that's what matters.
I have to say that I really enjoy being able to share my excitement about the instruments and amps here. Not to show off, it's really more about having a group that has similar interests to talk with.

My wife/family/friends roll their eyes when I start talking about guitars. Even my son, who's a musician, isn't much of a gear hound, so it's great to be able to share my interests.
I have to say that I really enjoy being able to share my excitement about the instruments and amps here. Not to show off, it's really more about having a group that has similar interests to talk with.

My wife/family/friends roll their eyes when I start talking about guitars. Even my son, who's a musician, isn't much of a gear hound, so it's great to be able to share my interests.

Yaaa, I get the eye roll all the time!