New here and I'm scared of choosing the wrong color!

Here's another thought: if you found a guitar in a colour that you don't love but everything else about it is nigh on perfect... well, call up the PTC and see if they have anything to say. For a little extra, depending on the colour it was originally finished in, you might be able to get them to perform a minor miracle.

I feel as if that might boost the price way up, refinishing a guitar seems like a lot of a hassel
This. No matter how over the top a guitar looks, if it does not sound GREAT, its gone. Better to have an ugly, beat up guitar that sounds great than to have an off the charts looker that sounds "ok". As other have said too, "Black gold" is one of the coolest colors PRS has ever come out with IMO.

I was under the impression that picking the guitar with the best tone would be a given, but can HBIIs really sound that different from each other? My experience with buying guitars always comes down to me choosing a model and going with the one i was trying at the store, I've never had an opportunity (or a salesman) to let me try the model i wanted with various different ones. For example my last guitar was a Les paul and unfortunately I grabbed it from GC, but at the time they were sold out of the model i was interested in so they had one shipped over. When it arrived I checked it out and thought it was in pretty good shape so i took it home, but i never got to A/B her with another of the same model, and when i got the guitar out of the box and asked to try it out first the sales man gave me all kinds of looks
Thanks every one for your replies, got some really good advice in here. March is a long ways away so I'll have time to choose patiently what color i would prefer, my plan is to take all the time in the world and really try out as different models and guitars as I can. As of now my heart's on the HBII, but the only other guitar that might sway me would be a 335. That said the 335 would have to be absolutely OUTSTANDING in both finish and playability

In my own experience, I have found it to be a huge problem to pick out my own favorite color when I am presented with an opportunity to have a guitar built for me to my own specs. I just can't decide and it seems like I just wish someone would make the color selection for me based on whatever finish would look best on a particular cut of flame Maple. Choosing a color is possible under certain circumstances with PRS and I'm going through the same deliema with having The Heritage ( build me a model 535 or 555 (better than a 335 imho). I just can't decide what it the "perfect" color if I can have any color or finish I want. So, what I usually do is just choose from whatever colors are available in whichever store I wind up shopping in. That doesn't help you much I suppose.