Has anyone here ever just given a guitar away?

I have as well...years ago I gave my nephew a nice BC Rich, which I found out later he sold. Gave a couple friends acoustic guitars, not real nice ones. And I gave a guy I knew son a epi electric a small amp and a distortion pedal cause he liked guitars and i knew his father would never get him one...that kid ALWAYS waves when I drive by....makes my day cause I know how much he liked getting the guitar and amp!!
I'm thankful to say that I've given away several guitars over the years, and I've never once regretted it. Some Fender Strats, some Takamine acoustics, a Randall RG 80 once a few years ago. Not to get into too many details, but just a few months ago I donated a Washburn over on VR. Really, though, all I did there was give the guitar. I don't have a camera, so I got in touch with a member there (he's a member here too I think), and he did all the leg work. But together we helped someone who needed it, and that's what matters.

I only managed to keep in touch with one person that I gave something to years ago, and that was an older woman down around Dallas. (I gave her a Takamine.) She still cries when she talks about it, which means so much to me. She's a nice lady with a rough life. I wish I could have done more for her.

Honestly I have given away at least 6 guitars.... Some to buddies that needed them, some to beginners.....
Also, gave a PRS Studio to my daughters husband about a year ago, however he was being such a douche about 6 months ago I took it back and sold it. When she asked why, I told HIM he didn't deserve it anymore. That got his attention and I will forgive but not forget!
I've donated my used acoustics to our school system as well as my children's instruments they no longer used. Those programs were greatly appreciative of the donations. I've also gave one of mine or purchased instruments for my nieces and nephews when they asked since it was important to foster that interest.
I've decided,before i die,to give my private stock guitar to one of the large music schools. my only request, on doing that, would be that the school award the guitar to their most outstanding student to be used in the pursuit of their career.
Yes, I have given away three. My first guitar, a Univox Les Paul, went to a former roommate along with a Stage 400 and an Aria Pro Acoustic. Then, I gave a kid my '69 Telecaster Thin Reissue with early Joe Bardens. He needed a decent guitar for a band, and I already had better Telecaster like guitars with my Johnny Hiland and my 305 Proto. He killed with it.
I gave away my first electric guitar (a Kramer Focus HSS superstrat-oid) to a friend of my brother's in about 1989. He was infatuated with guitars and dead broke. I'd just bought a brand new Fender HM Strat, which made the Kramer totally redundant. Felt good! I've never regretted it.
As long as it's not the one with that ugly wide stripe on it...:)

Yeah, it's a chubby little stripe.


Markie, I'm livin' by the Stephen Wright motto: "I'm going to live forever; so far, so good."
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I knew there were some good hearted people on this forum. I am happy to see the big hearts and giving attitudes present here.
I've given away two guitars: An Epi LP Special II to a very close friend who wanted to learn how to play and didn't have money for an electric guitar. The second one was an acoustic, not a brand but a low end model, to an uncle for him to play in the church's choir.
I had a friend years back who was going through a lot in her personal life and really wanted to learn the instrument, so I taught her a bit and gave her this random Yamaha acoustic to replace this old beat up one she had that couldn't keep tune. I figured if it stayed in tune it wouldn't be so frustrating for her, god knows she had enough on her mind and didn't need something else added to the pile.
My fiancee and I gave her son a bass and amp. She finds it absurd how much I'm willing spend even on accessory type stuff. She doesn't really get it other than seeing the stupid amount of stuff I buy. But, my dad got me going this way and I love doing it for him. He's getting pretty good too. To the point where I'm gonna pick up a drum program of some sort and start writing/recording some stuff with him...he doesn't know about it yet, but I know he'll be excited.