Experience PRS 2016 Identification Roll Call


Zombie Four, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
Well, since nobody else surfaced to do this, I'll de-lurk to do it again.

Pretty simple - just a quick pic to help us identify each other at Experience in two weeks.

I'll be the fat guy in the T-shirt...


I'll be the one chasing her around begging to give me back my credit card...

" I thought we were saving for a Private Stock"

"But this one is wicked awesome too"

I can hear it now...:oops:

oh, and in the real world I go by Keith
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I'm seriously considering being a contrarian and wearing my Parker shirt to this, so if you see someone in a Parker shirt, it's probably me.

No, seriously, I'll have that Jean-Michel Jarre/Miami Vice-era Don Johnson unshaven look, and my top hair is a little longer, but:

Hint: I'm the one on the left. In the PRS jacket.
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<--- Oh, and I look like this guy...
You should probably get that looked at. Maybe they can release the pressure on your noggin, at least.

How does your neck even hold all that up, without it wobbling and bobbing all over the place. 'Bobbling'?
I'll be the old dude wearing a PRS T-shirt.
I'll be the fat guy in the T-shirt...
Well that narrows it down none. I'll be the fat, old guy in a T-shirt.
For those of us who won't be there, nice to put some faces with names for now.

Maybe next year...