Do you use your guitar tone control much?

I use it all the time. I used to never use it, but I can't live without one now.
Ya I use often tweak mine as well as the volume knob. Never used to, but I found there's a world of tone available between 7 -10 on both knobs, let alone when both pick ups are selected. Gibby's got me onto that initially, and the DGT opened it since then big time with the two volumes. I find I usually tweak the tone and volume settings depending on type of venues and when starting off a set. So..basically all the time I guess.
Funny how things go in cycles. I used to always play with tone knobs as well as pedal settings, probably to a fault. Lately though, I seemed to have stopped playing around with tone and pedal settings and become more focused on "making music that sounds good" (at least to me).

With all that out of the way, I can say, that on certain jazz songs where I want a deep clean sound, I tend to roll the tone knob down to about a 4-5.
The tone pot on my SECU24 spins too freely for my tastes, very diff feel than vol pot. I'm considering replacing it solely to have something with more friction.
I don't think I've ever touched a tone knob on any of my guitars except when figuring out which one is volume. Even then I mostly use my volume pedal instead.

The only time I touch any knobs is to turn the volume down on one pickup to flick the switch and create a killswitch-like effect. Except on my Stratocaster, which actually has a separate killswitch installed.
The problem is you can't really recreate the sound you had before very easily. Perhaps a switch would be better with a handful of positions.
I already posted, but putting some thought into it, it depends on my guitar in use at the time. I keep my Mccarty rolled off maybe one notch all the time. I tend to stay in the middle most of the time due to the darkness of the pickup set, combined, they sound great. My Gretsch tone knob is virtually useless, it removes volume and tone, so I just leave it wide open, not being a tinkerer. My strats I tend to tone them down a notch or two also. My old Hamer is odd in that it must be wired wrong from the factory, turn down the tone knob and one pickup or the other is removed. On a three knob set up like the Hamer, it's just odd.
I don't use it at all, but mainly because the control on my PRS SE is so light, if I brush past it lightly I'm all the way down to 2 before I know it. I'm going to change it though as I really don't like pull pots (and I'm going to put in two mini switches for independent coil tap on both pickups like on the 408 and Paul's guitar) so I'll probably start using the tone control more.
Only to roll of some treble for certain songs and only then very occasionally. On my strat I bypassed the tone completely and never missed it.