LOL. I am waiting for someone to start posting about there used DG50... obsessed much...
It's all good, I had a nice laugh. Thank You Rick P!
I agree the DG30 definitely sounds like an interesting amp . It is quite funny to me anyhow that I do not see this amp circulating at all on any of the influence-rs on youtube you know the Paul David's or Rhett Shull's of the world, I guess David Grissiom or PRS didn't want to pay out, or maybe it is not on anyone's radar. I like the idea that this amp does is it's own thing yet can become familiar that is very versatile and can be pushed into the Tweed, Brownface, Black Face, Marshall sounds just by making changes to the back of the amp. So I will be covered through a gambit of different sounds, now that intrigues and excites.
Well I went and gone done did it. One came up second hand for a great price. It is a 2013 new old stock model bought in 2020. Studio kept and the gent did not want to sell, but did in order to make room for a 57 Les Paul Jr he has access to purchasing.
I will let you know my thoughts and also make some clips or even some videos of it. Maybe there will now be 5 videos on youtube instead of the only 4 in existance once I am finished.