Yeah! It’s a great clean tone (for me)! And it’s also got that amazing “liquid lead” thing that’s a Boogie hallmark.
When I got my MkIV it was right before the Gibson thing, and before people started loving IV’s again, lol. So, perfect timing for me.
I hate to be a hater but… I dunno, I wish there was one example of Gibson not completely ruining an acquisition/partnership they made. I think the glue they must use in Les Paul’s make people f@ckin crazy or something.
They ruined Epiphone in the 60’s, Moog in the 70’s, Oberhiem in the 80’s, Steinberger in the 90’s, Echoplex in the 00’s, KRK, in the 10’s, and now…. Ugh… fingers crossed.
Mesas are like Marshalls, Fenders, Vox' and very few others: they have truly iconic tone.
Granted, the Mesa tone isn't everyone's cup of tea (what is, after all?), but the tone is certainly unique and wonderful, and it records SO easily. I've undoubtedly made more money with tracks I used Mesas on, since the early '90s, than all of my other amps put together. Adds up to a lot of coin, and that's why I usually have at least one Mesa available in my studio.
They're forgiving amps, too. But the compression is what makes them so uniquely easy to record.
As for Gibson, yeah, I totally agree. You can also include Baldwin pianos, Opcode sequencing software, Maestro effects, Tobias basses, Valley arts, and several piano brands owned by Baldwin. And Wurlitzer. Oh, and I think they owned Dobro at some point. Plus they left Kalamazoo, Michigan, in the lurch completely. Unforgivable.
No doubt Les. Indeed! And at only $1750!
Yeah, that's a terrific price for an amp that good.
My thinking (only applies to myself here) is that if I can hang onto an amp for 8 years, as I have with the DG30 and HXDA, I've hit on a formula that's pretty satisfying. Again, not a prescription for others, because it's totally subjective.
Then again, I was a TR player for 12 years. And I'd get another one if a project demanded it, and hang onto it as well. They're special amps.
But my next amp - it won't replace anything I have - will be an HDRX. Because...I dunno. How many chances do ya get to own something like that? Life's too short not to go for it.
I'll say again, speaking only for myself here. I'm not suggesting that anyone else should want the same things I do.