Growing up, I had a Fender solid state amp for playing with a Line 6 POD. It was good for the time, but I never found the tone I was really looking for. Then, about 5 or 6 years ago I finally went with a tube amp and it changed everything for me. Still with tubes, I started accumulating pedals, and have a decent collection. Then I got into PRS amps and GAS took hold of me until now, with a stable consisting of an Archon 50/25, HXDA 50 and DG 30.
I have gotten rid of all of my other amps as I feel these give me all the tones I want/need. I still have my pedal board in the middle of the room and more pedals in a closet, and other than compression and some OD, rarely touch any of it. Is it common to get to a point where you just want your guitar and a cranked up amp? I’m debating selling most of the pedals. Anyone else done this and regretted it?
Also, appreciate all of you on this forum. I’ve gained a tone of wisdom, and entertainment, during my time here.
I played my HDRX 20 tonight. I get by with playing fairly loud at home, if I play before the wife goes to bed. I find that even with that, I can’t push the HDRX PI stage into overdrive. It’s just too loud. So pedals are the only way that amp will work for me. But boy, it sure sounds great with pedals. I played at least 3-4 completely different varieties of tone tonight without ever touching one knob on the amp. Just like Lew said it would, this amp needs pedals to get tones that I want. Not that it’s bad without them, it is NOT. Just doesn’t have enough gain IF you can’t turn the master up at least half.
Side note, for those keeping score at home, since I promised to use the Power Station so that I could push it way up and use mostly amp gain: There is a weird thing that can happen with any amp once you open it up, that if you sit to close to it, it will squeal. Well, with the HDRX up past half way, even when not playing, and even if I’m 8 feet or so from the amp, it squeals. I looked up a solution for this and basically there is none, because it’s not a “problem,” with amp/PS etc., it’s just what happens when you’re too close to the amp.
Side note #2: For those keeping score at home, remember I was planning well ahead to build a ”Hendrix rig.” A Silver Sky into an HDRX amp opened up, and of course a fuzz, wah, vibe, etc. But the Power Station I got from 11top was MAINLY in planning for that rig. TBH, it’s no benefit at all with the Bogner or the Archon as they sound just as good with the masters turned down, as they do with it up and using the Power Station to tame volume. So, the PS was MAINLY to us with the HDRX, and in my room, it doesn’t work.
All that to say, if you have amps that get THE tones you want, then pedals can still be used to push it to other places, for solos or whatever. If your amp doesn’t have the gain levels you need, you need pedals to push it to there. They can also shape it with or without much push, and of course, add solo boost/volume from there. So in short (HA!) YES, you need pedals. Don’t throw them in the closet unless they DON’T give you something you want, and if that’s the case flip them and get something else that does!