Chorus Pedals - Let's Talk Favorites!


Redwood Original - Pure Blood
Jun 20, 2016
What are your favorite Chorus pedals? Maybe the talk here can help somebody find what they are looking for the first time and save them some cash!
Only used occasionally with guitar...but frequent with Fretless bass...sounds killer.
Yeah, it’s cool on bass and even vocals (Ozzy) and, I mean, I obviously love The Cure..

I think for me, it’s still at the point to where chorus on guitar immediately dates a tone to a certain era’s aesthetic.

But everyone should love and enjoy their chorus pedals, I’m just a snobby, damaged Gen-Xer when it comes to modulation effects.
somewhere downthread we’ll hear about bogner’s twenty chorus pedals?

I only have 17 so I will shop for more...:rolleyes:

On a serious note, my favorite is Free The Tone Tri Avatar Chorus. Beautiful pedal that can do very subtle to sea sick and anywhere in between with immense clarity and crispness. Best Modern Chorus pedal I have played.
Suhr Alexa. Best I've tried so far, except for the old Roland Rackmount Dimension D, but the Dimension D wasn't very adjustable and was made for studio use in the '80s.

The Alexa is all-analog, and can be switched between two completely different chorus settings. It's a great sounding pedal. It's built like a brick sh!thouse, too, and very nicely finished.

Not that anyone else should want one. In fact, I hope no one else even looks at it or tries it out, since I like being the only guy here with one.

Nyah-Nyah. :D
Yeah, it’s cool on bass and even vocals (Ozzy) and, I mean, I obviously love The Cure..

I think for me, it’s still at the point to where chorus on guitar immediately dates a tone to a certain era’s aesthetic.

But everyone should love and enjoy their chorus pedals, I’m just a snobby, damaged Gen-Xer when it comes to modulation effects.
I recently rediscovered The Fixx, and how much I absolutely love Jamie West Oram's Compressed-Chorused
sound. Yes, the 80's called and wants his tone back, but dang!, what joy to listen to him playing.
Yeah, it’s cool on bass and even vocals (Ozzy) and, I mean, I obviously love The Cure..

I think for me, it’s still at the point to where chorus on guitar immediately dates a tone to a certain era’s aesthetic.

But everyone should love and enjoy their chorus pedals, I’m just a snobby, damaged Gen-Xer when it comes to modulation effects.
Dude, you have to learn how to turn them DOWN. I mean, I love an 80s chorus on an 80s tone, as much as the next guy, but 90% of my chorus use I have the mix set down so low you really can't tell it's on, until you turn if off and something is missing. Just adds a little dimension to the sound. I use it that way on LOTS of presets on my modelers, and that way with my tube amps and pedals. My pedal, Fulltone Choral Flanger