Can you work with your spouse???

Like a couple of others here, I met my wife at work. We work in almost the same field, but separate organizations, separate buildings, and it's fine. When the pandemic came down on us and it was clear we were going to be working from home for some time she very (very!) wisely saw to it we could work separate parts of the house. And yeah, we talk (i.e. *****) about work a lot when we're home.
I met my wife in late '85 while I was working at K-Mart and going to school. She was an Assistant Manager and got transferred to the store I was working at. We started hanging out in the middle of '86. So yeah, I was going out with the boss. Of course, I still am! Could I work with her, at the same job? Yeah, I think so. I mean, running a household together kind of is doing just that. It's worked out pretty good, we'll be celebrating out 35th in 10 days. She's retired now. I'd like to be in 4 or 5 years.
I would never do it. There are multiple reasons. My wife's skillset is much different than mine. I am not sure she could do what I do. I don't think I would want to do what she does. That is the first reason.

The second reason is that if we were together 24x7 I am sure that would cause some friction. No matter how much we love each other, we are also individuals with some different interests and need time to be ourselves.

The third reason is that if there was a downturn in the business you stand the chance of losing all of your household income instead of just part of it.

This was almost a situation for me a handful of years ago. My wife was taking a break from working after we moved to FL. During that time the place I worked at needed someone to do some work for a temporary period of time that she could have done. I was approached about it and said if she wanted to do it, I would support it. Thankfully our CIO didn't want to bring someone in to do the work. I am not sure how it would have went. I wasn't looking forward to it. It could have turned into something permanent and I honestly didn't want that for the reasons above.
I would never do it. There are multiple reasons. My wife's skillset is much different than mine. I am not sure she could do what I do. I don't think I would want to do what she does. That is the first reason.

The second reason is that if we were together 24x7 I am sure that would cause some friction. No matter how much we love each other, we are also individuals with some different interests and need time to be ourselves.

The third reason is that if there was a downturn in the business you stand the chance of losing all of your household income instead of just part of it.

This was almost a situation for me a handful of years ago. My wife was taking a break from working after we moved to FL. During that time the place I worked at needed someone to do some work for a temporary period of time that she could have done. I was approached about it and said if she wanted to do it, I would support it. Thankfully our CIO didn't want to bring someone in to do the work. I am not sure how it would have went. I wasn't looking forward to it. It could have turned into something permanent and I honestly didn't want that for the reasons above.
We each make our own choices for our own reasons, but here are some thoughts:

One: I think it is actually easier to work together if you have different skill sets, as long as you both respect what the other contributes.

Two: working at in the same business doesn’t mean you are next to each other all the time. You can do your part in your own space.

Three: definitely worth have your eggs in two baskets