

New Member
Apr 26, 2012
Okay, here are some ideas that I'm working on. They're free, so they may not be all that great. If you want the really good ones, use the 900 number.

HSS or HNFNF 594 in sparkled disco ball silver, call it the Studio 5(9)4.

Just the clean channel of an Archon, add reverb and switchable power attenuation, ultimate PRS pedal platform amp, it does what you want, call it the Doulos.

S2 Starla Semi Hollow. Everybody wants it to be a Gretsch anyway, may as well oblige them. Do it in orange, green, and minty white, call it the Starla P&W LTD. Gotta have birds, fundamentalist's love them, and you'll see more of them at church than Peavey PA's and crying babies.

Everyone is worried about the death of electric guitar in today's music. You know who plays guitar? Lil Wayne. Give him a signature Vela with a built in drum machine and call it the Vela-ciRAPtor. Kids love rap and dinosaurs, so it really appeals to three different sectors of the youth demographic.

Phew, I'm feeling weak from all this brainstorming. Help me out, what are your great ideas?
How about an SE with a 25" scale and a Wide Fat neck? That's missing from today's line.
I seemed to be fixated on P245 Trems at the moment...:)

But a 594 Trem seems like a good idea!

Or maybe a CR with a Trem...
I want a Paul's Guitar with Brent Mason electronics. The Paul Mason model.

How about an S2 Mark Tremonti McCarty Singlecut 594 Trem Standard Satin? (Just spit balling here to find the longest name possible.) Easily abbreviates to S2MTMcS594TSS.

Seriously though, I would be compelled to purchase an S2 One Satin, if such a thing were to exist.
That Archon idea is really a slick one. There are a TON of people that just want good pedal amps.

I am also digging that Starla concept. I spent 10 years doing P&W...Gretsch and Duesenberg OWN that genre. You'll see a few other guitars, but to "nail" the tone, grab a Duo Jet and a Vox with a couple of pedals and you're there. Doing an SH Starla with a bit more "chime" would allow PRS a PERFECT tool for that segment....
How about an S2 Mark Tremonti McCarty Singlecut 594 Trem Standard Satin? (Just spit balling here to find the longest name possible.) Easily abbreviates to S2MTMcS594TSS.

Might have to go ahead and make it a seven string while we’re at it, just so the pickup recess is big enough for the modcat.

You're hired!

I’ll take the broom closet next to the bathroom for an office. The tag on the door should read: Johnny Blaze.

I was with you til the Lil Wayne thing.

You’re bound to get a couple clunkers at this price.


For those of you who would like to learn this solo note for note, I'll be selling the tab online at my website for a limited time for only $19.99. If you need the instructional video lesson as well, you can buy both the tab and the instruction video for just $79.99.

It’s still more notes than the Cinnamon Girl solo.