What are you listening to right now?

the instrument is a Cymbalon I saw Michael playing on the street 35 years ago .. bought his tape and played it through both of my kids births to keep mama chill ... he inveted the string bows for the fingers , normally they are just mallets.

I got to hang with these guys Saturday at their show in Ohio. Their new vocalist, Drew Womack, is an incredible singer. Some of you may remember him from Sons of the Desert (See Whatever Comes first below). I even got to play his White Falcon Jr. over the PA (I about wet my pants).
Lone Star has a new album hitting the streets on June 2nd. It is called “10 to 1” and is comprised of their 10 #1 hits, all redone with Drew as lead vocalist. The first song, was released on March 1, and here it is:

and Whatever Comes First (Sons of the Desert):

One of my all-time favorite songs. Karl Denson is arguably one of the best saxophonist of our time. His solo from 2:08-4:50 is nuts and we're on a musical journey from the 2:00-9:00.

“India” by the Psychedelic Furs. There is a live version at the Hard Rock on YouTube. Scott Ashton rejoined the band for that tour and tone he gets out of a McCarty just kills.