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Got tickets a few days ago to see My Chemical Romance on the reunion tour in Cincinnati in August, so I have been revisiting this rather amazing album in recent days. Can't post the playlist of the full album as media, so here's some of my favorites - today. There's not a song on this album that I don't love, so favorites can change.


I first heard this guy opening for Vintage Trouble in Philly some years ago (they had another opener I really liked called Yellowire, who seem to have pretty much disappeared). Loved his stuff right away and bought this CD that night. This one gets a lot of play in my ever more crowded listening time.

The big song is "Boys In The Street", which became a pretty big anthem in the gay community. I saw an interview w/him around the time it was blowing up, and he said he felt somewhat reluctant at first because he's not gay and he wasn't sure he deserved to have his song taken that way. Great song with a great message. I really love the production on it - especially how they kept the piano on the breaks so understated. I never actually saw this video until today, but I love how it puts the focus on the message instead of a dramatic portrayal of the story.

Here's an acoustic version of another great track on the record.


I first heard this guy opening for Vintage Trouble in Philly some years ago (they had another opener I really liked called Yellowire, who seem to have pretty much disappeared). Loved his stuff right away and bought this CD that night. This one gets a lot of play in my ever more crowded listening time.

The big song is "Boys In The Street", which became a pretty big anthem in the gay community. I saw an interview w/him around the time it was blowing up, and he said he felt somewhat reluctant at first because he's not gay and he wasn't sure he deserved to have his song taken that way. Great song with a great message. I really love the production on it - especially how they kept the piano on the breaks so understated. I never actually saw this video until today, but I love how it puts the focus on the message instead of a dramatic portrayal of the story.

Here's an acoustic version of another great track on the record.

Man that's some good stuff! Thanks for the turn on as always bro!
Man that's some good stuff! Thanks for the turn on as always bro!

You're welcome. It's a great feeling being able to get some of these artists exposure, and to turn people on to music that they otherwise might not run into. So many people have done that for me in the past, so it's good to pay it forward.

ETA: The title song is really good, too.

It's also why I roll my eyes at the "no one is making good music anymore" crowd. There are tons of great artists out there making great music. What's changed is that radio (and to a lesser extent, TV) is no longer taking chances and exposing people to newer artists. It's harder and harder to find these gems these days, which is why I try to spread the word when I find someone. If I can get it to two people, and they can get it two people, and so on, pretty soon we have ourselves a shampoo commercial. But I still won't look as good as Heather Locklear.

You're welcome. It's a great feeling being able to get some of these artists exposure, and to turn people on to music that they otherwise might not run into. So many people have done that for me in the past, so it's good to pay it forward.

ETA: The title song is really good, too.

It's also why I roll my eyes at the "no one is making good music anymore" crowd. There are tons of great artists out there making great music. What's changed is that radio (and to a lesser extent, TV) is no longer taking chances and exposing people to newer artists. It's harder and harder to find these gems these days, which is why I try to spread the word when I find someone. If I can get it to two people, and they can get it two people, and so on, pretty soon we have ourselves a shampoo commercial. But I still won't look as good as Heather Locklear.

So true! I love when I get turned on to new music. I'm the same, I feel a certain responsibility to the artist to share the little nuggets I find or that someone introduces me to. So, it is GREATLY appreciated.

BTW, I've already sent the two you posted to 4 of my friends so far.

Just like Hannah Wicklund, I couldn't tell you how many people I've turned on to her music. Two of which have since seen her live. Just hope it helps them in some small way.
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It's also why I roll my eyes at the "no one is making good music anymore" crowd. There are tons of great artists out there making great music. What's changed is that radio (and to a lesser extent, TV) is no longer taking chances and exposing people to newer artists.
It is a shame because as the world of musicians grows, the artists who are recognized is more and more dependent on the right marketing team (and corporations) being behind them! I thank SNL for exposing me to some artists that I would never have heard (Gretta Van Fleet is one of them)!! I rarely listen to the radio, the only broadcast program I ever watch in real time is SNL and I have zero streaming services for music or anything else, so that is a large part of why I would never be exposed to new artists unless someone I trust tells me about them!!! Which brings me to @alantig!!!! I know I can trust him to make me laugh (on 90% of his posts, maybe more), but based on the face make up of his avatar, I am afraid to click through on any musical selections as I could be transported back to 1976 and end up Rock n Rolling all night (I already party every day)!!!!! In all sincerity, I will try to check that stuff out this weekend along with the latest posts in the Studio & Stage section (which I am much more motivated to check because of it's connectivity to this forum and it's members)!!!!!!
Watched this earlier today. Killer look behind the scenes. Very fitting considering this was filmed in Gdansk Poland back in 2006. Way before the horrible situation that isn't too far away from them today. :(

If you've never listened to the David Gilmour Live in Gdansk album...you don't know what you're missing!

Here I'll make it a little easier to check out. This was the concert featured in the documentary. I highly recommend using headphones, finding a comfortable spot & getting a little "fuzzy" while listening.

You're welcome.;)
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Feeling nostalgic today. Man this takes me back. IMHO two of the most underrated bands of the early 90's. In all fairness there was HELLA competition at the time. Two of the most memorable performances I witnessed at Woodstock '94. Yeah I went to Woodstock Man. ;)

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If this had been announced a few days from now, I'd have thought it was an April Fool's prank. But it's not - and I'm in.

Hard to believe he wasn't a lead singer until Tremonti.
IKR....The Mrs actually hollered for me to come up from the "office" to watch a segment on the Today Show this morning. It was all about this project. Pretty cool.