Waiting is the hardest


Feb 1, 2019
I ordered a guitar last November. I was told 9-11 months. We're two weeks away from 11 months, and I'm itching for that call. I'm also really, really, really (REALLY!!) hoping that they're timetable is good.

Waiting was easy for the first 9... The next 2 haven't been so simple...

Don't mind me. I'm just saying it out loud somewhere so I don't go nuts.
Waiting here as well, 5 months in.
I was given around the same time frame for an eta, so at least they’re consistent with that.
I try not to think about it because it will make that NGD much more enjoyable.
Only 5 more days until my 11 month, maximum date quote is met... And two of these days are weekends. I have a feeling they're going to be late on this order.
Aww that's such a long time...

Do you have any idea what's taking so long? That's really obsurd!
Mine has a carving on it, so a long wait is understandable. So I was expecting a long time, but not 2 years.. :p
After nearly 11 months... It sits in a FedEx depot 71 miles away. Can I pick it up? No, because FedEx sucks... Will it be here tomorrow? No, because, again, FedEx sucks.

Besides FedEx being garbage, it's scheduled to arrive Monday. And I can't wait. Pics to follow.

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After nearly 11 months... It sits in a FedEx depot 71 miles away. Can I pick it up? No, because FedEx sucks... Will it be here tomorrow? No, because, again, FedEx sucks.

Besides FedEx being garbage, it's scheduled to arrive Monday. And I can't wait. Pics to follow.

Beautiful! You’re going to have to find a green Dalek for your avatar now - time to call the Doctor! Might help pass the time too :)
You did well... I pre-ordered mine from @MooreGuitars last July 28 and the latest update says by the end of October.
Try almost 15 months and counting........ patience is becoming more hard to find every day. LoL with all these Wood Library's
popping up at dealerships, and now yours. Congrats! I ordered mine with an Artist Package Fire Red Burst. Not sure if that's the difference or
whether I just got kicked to the back of the line multiple times for some reason.

Rock on!
I just ordered one, and the wait is 12-18 months. I don’t mind, actually. When it gets here, it gets here.
Agreed. My mindset exactly.
I was told back in July no date had been set but November looked promising ( Not clinging on to that one).
At the end of the day it'll get here when it's ready. It aint gonna stop the world from spinning !!!;)
Nearly a year so far.!!!
Agreed. My mindset exactly.
I was told back in July no date had been set but November looked promising ( Not clinging on to that one).
At the end of the day it'll get here when it's ready. It aint gonna stop the world from spinning !!!;)
Nearly a year so far.!!!

To folks who don’t want to endure a wait, the best bet is to buy from dealer stock. I’ve done that. Or special order, but accept that it takes a long time. I’ve done that, too.

It’s good that PRS has a nice, fully-filled order book. It’s an entirely positive thing.

I remember as a kid in the ‘70s having a Martin on special order. Seemed like I waited forever; 9 months or so. Now time flies by so quickly for me that 18 months seems like a short time. It’s downright weird.

My PS acoustic took about a year, give or take a few weeks, and I remember being surprised they’d gotten it done so quickly.
Yes, but I’d be afraid that it would be the executor of my estate opening the box. o_O

Les, at our ages, 18 months could mean delivery at the nursing home. :eek::(

Hah! I hadn’t read Boogie’s post first. (Not so)great minds think alike?

Maybe it’s an age thing. :confused: :D
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My biggest hangup with waiting was that I sold so much stuff to make this happen, and I was without an electric guitar. Not a huge problem, but certainly restrictive. I'm glad the journey is nearing it's end.