I read about a guy who had a sensitivity to nickel -- you may want to try different materials and be aware of what you're playing, if for no other reason than to rule that out as a possibility.I was a 10 guy until recently. I started having "sensitive" fingertips back in December. Fingertips started hurting after playing a short time. Sensitive to the touch too, and felt like I had no oils left in them. At any rate, I recently picked up a set of Rev. Willy's Mexican Lottery Brand 7-38. I figure if they're good enough for the Reverend Billy G, they're way more than good enough for me. I like 'em, and my fingertips like 'em too! I just ordered a couple of sets of NYXL 8-3 just because I haven't tried the NYXL's yet.
7's? Wow. Must feel like spider webs, compared to 10's!!!I was a 10 guy until recently. I started having "sensitive" fingertips back in December. Fingertips started hurting after playing a short time. Sensitive to the touch too, and felt like I had no oils left in them. At any rate, I recently picked up a set of Rev. Willy's Mexican Lottery Brand 7-38. I figure if they're good enough for the Reverend Billy G, they're way more than good enough for me. I like 'em, and my fingertips like 'em too! I just ordered a couple of sets of NYXL 8-3 just because I haven't tried the NYXL's yet.
Yeah, they sure do. Sound surprisingly good though.7's? Wow. Must feel like spider webs, compared to 10's!!!
Amen.The Bible says we have to play TENS.
For it is written: "Whomsoever among you that shall go forth and play the electric guitar, he shall only play tens. Now if thou obey me fully and keep my covenant and play only tens, then of all nations thine will be the most toneful. Thus saith the Lord."
Exodus, 3.1,287,565
The Bible says we have to play TENS.
For it is written: "Whomsoever among you that shall go forth and play the electric guitar, he shall only play tens. Now if thou obey me fully and keep my covenant and play only tens, then of all nations thine will be the most toneful. Thus saith the Lord."
Exodus, 3.1,287,565