Sharing Pictures on PRS Forum

Moondog Wily

In Tune Wit Da Moon!
Feb 12, 2021
Piccolomini Crater, Luna
Hey All;

This post is intended for those wanting to share pictures on the PRS Guitars forum ( ). It is being produced to address the confusion and frustration experienced by many users of the forum, myself included when trying to post pictures. As a computer programmer of over 25 years who has built forums similar to this one from scratch (including the code to upload photos), you would think that I of all people would be able to understand and get this right, but that was not the case when I joined in February of 2021. My particular problem was, my images were not being hosted on a "secure" website. As a result, some browsers, with some settings, for some people would show the pix. Other browsers, with some settings for some people would NOT show the pix. That said, I have created a PDF and a video to try and help others through this based on the setup at the forum as of April 12, 2021. If you have any updates or suggestions, things I missed, things I got wrong, things you don't understand, feel free to reply to this thread.

EDIT 2023Aug01: Executive summary
1. You need to host your pictures somewhere else (Flickr, Imgur, etc. - GOOGLE DRIVE WILL NOT WORK DUE TO ITEM 3 BELOW)
2. That somewhere else needs to be https (secure server)
3. The image link must end in .jpg or .png or other web image extension
4. Some image hosting sites will allow you to copy a "BB Code" and that can be pasted into your post rather than a https url ending with .jpg or .png



Here are links to some previous posts regarding this same issue: (official)

How to post pics from

Thanks for listening and be sure to share some pix of your beautiful PRS artworks!

Moondog Wily
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Great, I was not aware of this one. I will update my thread to include yours. My thread already includes the sticky post one from 2012 and another one for Imgur from 2020 by Candid Picker. Both of the 2020 ones seem to deal with Imgur (although his deals with home computer). Mine deals exclusively with Flickr. Whatever the case is, people are still having troubles. And I was told that you had posted one when I was first having trouble, but could not find it. Point is, help is still needed, and I am doing what I can to move that along. Thanks for the link and your efforts!

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Imgur has been my go-to pic hosting site ever since photobucket decided to get cute and try to extort me out of pictures a few years ago.
Understood 1neeto. And most people here use that. I like to use my own servers personally, but it has to be https. Anyway, as much as many love imgur, I did not care for it's interface and requests when setting up an account, so I chose flickr when I first signed up for this forum in Feb. Now that I have a secure certificate on one of my servers, I will start hosting my own photos again ;~)) Thanks for the input!!!
I’m planning to create a photo album for an upcoming trip and share it publicly on the TA website. If I start a "live from" thread during my trip, can I include a link to my chosen photo-sharing site so readers can easily click and view the uploaded pictures? Additionally, when I write my trip review, can I include the link to the album there as well? Any recommendations for a photo-sharing site that doesn't require a password for access would be appreciated.
Hey RichardJoseph! To answer one of your questions, you can put in a link to just about anything. The difficulty here at the forum is getting your pictures displayed here as opposed to someone leaving the site to view elsewhere. Users many times do not want to leave the site they are at to view content. So yes, you can include the link to your photos, an album, etc.

As for photo-sharing sites, just about anything will require a password to post pix, but most do not require a password to view pix. The popular ones here are imgur and postimg, but there are many and some of them may have password protection for viewers, especially if you specify such in your posting of those pix. Considering you seem to want to link to outside resources, you could also post your pix at google if you have a google account and put a link here. Many options with different levels of protection ;~))

Let me know if you have any other questions or if these answers did not make sense!
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Hey RichardJoseph! To answer one of your questions, you can put in a link to just about anything. The difficulty here at the forum is getting your pictures displayed here as opposed to someone leaving the site to view elsewhere. Users many times do not want to leave the site they are at to view content. So yes, you can include the link to your photos, an album, etc.

As for photo-sharing sites, just about anything will require a password to post pix, but most do not require a password to view pix. The popular ones here are imgur and postimg, but there are many and some of them may have password protection for viewers, especially if you specify such in your posting of those pix. Considering you seem to want to link to outside resources, you could also post your pix at google if you have a google account and put a link here. Many options with different levels of protection ;~))

Let me know if you have any other questions or if these answers did not make sense!
I'm new to the site too and used to be I could easily insert an image with forum sites like the mtn bike site I use. I don't seem to be able to do that anymore and need yet another site to host my image. Is there a valid reason why all of this changed over the years? I've been using forums and computers since the very dark ages of modems and have just recently encountered this. Is the reason one of security concerns or just UI of this particular forum type?
I'm new to the site too and used to be I could easily insert an image with forum sites like the mtn bike site I use. I don't seem to be able to do that anymore and need yet another site to host my image. Is there a valid reason why all of this changed over the years? I've been using forums and computers since the very dark ages of modems and have just recently encountered this. Is the reason one of security concerns or just UI of this particular forum type?
Or maybe I need 3 posts being new to easily insert an image the good old fashion way, lol. So I'll try a 3rd post here.
I'm new to the site too and used to be I could easily insert an image with forum sites like the mtn bike site I use. I don't seem to be able to do that anymore and need yet another site to host my image. Is there a valid reason why all of this changed over the years? I've been using forums and computers since the very dark ages of modems and have just recently encountered this. Is the reason one of security concerns or just UI of this particular forum type?
It’s always been this way here.
Their house, their rules.
I'm new to the site too and used to be I could easily insert an image with forum sites like the mtn bike site I use. I don't seem to be able to do that anymore and need yet another site to host my image. Is there a valid reason why all of this changed over the years? I've been using forums and computers since the very dark ages of modems and have just recently encountered this. Is the reason one of security concerns or just UI of this particular forum type?
Sorry to say sdcoffeeroaster, you will have to host your pix somewhere else. The official reason that has been provided is copyright issues on what gets posted. They don't want to deal with the legal headaches that can ensue from hosting that kind of content. If they simply allow you to link it, then they have no liability, even though it is being displayed on the site!! Legal mumbo jumbo BS!