Saving a PRS CE-22

Looking good, I also freehand routed some humbucker holes recently, they too are not perfect but I wanted to see if I could do it freehand rather than making a jig.

Yes, the pickup rings cover all sins :p

One point, I don't see the additional routes for the pickup legs and screws, PRS pickups have pretty long legs from memory and need additional depth over the pickup depth. Might pay to do a quick check with whatever pickups you're putting in there :)
Started the first color coat. It's definitely not perfect, but it will be playable. The first coat of color usually exposes some areas I need to pay some more attention to. The tip of the replaced horn still needs a little work.

Thanks. I knew going into it, that with the level of damage this thing had done to it, it wouldn't come out perfect by any means. I just hated to see it tossed in the garbage if there was even a remote chance it could be brought back to life.
I love what you are doing. Amazing work so far!! I can't wait to see you finish.

Just an update, so people don't think I abandoned this thread. I sanded the coats I had out on down flat and shot another coat on it last night. Hopefully I will spray the last color coat tonight and then spray the clear coats on this weekend. I am going to put a satin finish on it, kind of like some of the Schecters I have seen. Hopefully it will look something like this...

Here is my next issue. When the girl smashed the guitar, apparently she damaged one of the capacitors that is soldered to one of the pots. Anyone think this is going to cause a problem? If I should replace the capacitor, does anyone know which capacitor it is, and where to get one? I would want to replace it with the exact same kind.

Yeah definitely replace that cap. That's the tone cap, 0.022 microfarad. One of the most common values, so there are a gazillion sources to grab one cheap.
Just an update, so people don't think I abandoned this thread. I sanded the coats I had out on down flat and shot another coat on it last night. Hopefully I will spray the last color coat tonight and then spray the clear coats on this weekend. I am going to put a satin finish on it, kind of like some of the Schecters I have seen. Hopefully it will look something like this...
Rock !right on!