Rock 'n Roll Singer...


Zombie 10, DFZ
Apr 1, 2013
My daddy was workin' nine to five
When my momma was havin' me
By the time I was half alive
I knew what I was gonna be
But I left school and grew my hair
They didn't understand
They wanted me to be respected as
A doctor or a lawyer man
(But I had other plans)
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll star

Forgive me for getting out ahead of this one...but tomorrow 7-9-2016 would have been Ronald Belford Scott's 70th birthday.
Greatest front man in the history of rock (go ahead and tell me I'm wrong).

RIP Bon...thanks for the Rock 'n Roll.
My daddy was workin' nine to five
When my momma was havin' me
By the time I was half alive
I knew what I was gonna be
But I left school and grew my hair
They didn't understand
They wanted me to be respected as
A doctor or a lawyer man
(But I had other plans)
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll star

Forgive me for getting out ahead of this one...but tomorrow 7-9-2016 would have been Ronald Belford Scott's 70th birthday.
Greatest front man in the history of rock (go ahead and tell me I'm wrong).

RIP Bon...thanks for the Rock 'n Roll.

No argument from me! 70???!!!! F@ck, I'm getting old
A little live AC-DC w Bon from 1976. My favorite AC-DC song...lyrics by Bon written about Angus. I think Bon's delivery and attitude on stage here displays many of the elements that connected with audiences of several different genres...both contemporary and yet to come...
The aggression/disdain of Punk Rock
The bravado/audacity of arena rock
The raw power of metal
The over-the-top sexuality of hair metal
The stripped down honesty of grunge/alternative

He was the complete package.

(go ahead and tell me I'm wrong)
I can't say your wrong as it's all a matter of opinion and or taste but I don't think so. I think Paul Rogers has the greatest rock voice ever.
I can't say your wrong as it's all a matter of opinion and or taste but I don't think so. I think Paul Rogers has the greatest rock voice ever.

I'd cast a vote this way too, I think. But, front man and voice aren't one in the same. I'd still give the nod to Bon as "greatest front man." All open to opinion, as you said, though. Lots of good ones throughout the decades.
I'd cast a vote this way too, I think. But, front man and voice aren't one in the same. I'd still give the nod to Bon as "greatest front man." All open to opinion, as you said, though. Lots of good ones throughout the decades.
I was going to post this almost verbatim. I agree that Paul Rogers was/is the best male rock vocalist ever (and Paul and Bon have some similarities in vocal technique)...but Bon takes the overall "rock front man" award. They both have great stage presence...but Bon had that little something extra. Of course my opinion on this is worth what you paid for it.
You obviously never saw Paul Rogers in his skimpy hipsters . .
Now don't tell me he hasn't got much front:p

Sergio may have something to say about that.

I never really thought about "front man" as opposed to a "singist" being any different.
You obviously never saw Paul Rogers in his skimpy hipsters . .
Now don't tell me he hasn't got much front:p

Sergio may have something to say about that.

I never really thought about "front man" as opposed to a "singist" being any different.

I am not touching this one! :p
You got me thinking about front men now, how about somebody like Ian Dury front man for the Blockheads or Eric Burdon front man for the Animals? If Elton John wasn't a front man I've never seen one and then there was Rod Stewart . . .

Freddie Mercury, Suggs, Ray Davis and, what am I thinking? Lemmy!! And it goes on and on.
Just adding: I'm a Queen fan, I would have great difficulty not being. As well as being an exceptional singer Freddie was a phenomenal front man. I reckon he'd get my vote.
I saw Queen in 86 at Wembley and Freddie sure bossed that, and when he got the stadium going with his vocal scales it was Incredible. !!!
LOVE QUEEN! Saw them last year with Adam Lambert. I know, not even close to the same thing, but they were still really, really good.
Paul Rogers did a few turns with Queen but it didn't go so well I believe, different horses and courses I suppose.