PRS Santana 2016 BG NGD

Wow I love the scraped BG. I have a BG CU22, always regretted it not having the visible binding effect. I've occasionally thought of sending it to the factory for a custom scrape but that would not be cheap...
No regrets here. Both variations are great. Black gold with or without visible binding is awesome :D
BG without the visible binding (wrap) is close to a violin finish/look. Classy.
BG with visible binding is closer to the vintage space.

Both are great. Enjoy yours!
I wouldn't kick those twins outta bed! Who doesn't love twins?! o_O

Hey, I dated a twin in college and I approve of this message. :D gold Santana(s) and no HXDA? What's wrong with you, mister? Go ahead, take care of that...we'll wait... ;)
Just curious. Do they sound similar?
Both beautiful! Congrats and enjoy!

Thanks and that is a nice question.
At the beginning, I did a quick unplugged A/B comparison and I was amazed from the crystal clear tone and the loudness of the open strings from the Santana 2016. It was the moment where I said ''wow, they exceeded theirselves with this one..''. The next day, I changed the strings on my Santana 2015 and when I did the same A/B, I said ''yes, alright, you are an amazing guitar just like your twin, sorry for my initial conclusion ;-)''.
Plugged in they also sound very similar. Of course there will be some minimal sonic differences (mainly due to the bridge pick up height which I have slightly altered) but to be honest, what I hear is great from both guitars (new or old does not matter, PRS makes some great musical instruments - end of story :).)
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