NGD: PRS SE McCarty 594 Black/Gold


Tone Matters. Use It Well.
Jan 26, 2019
NW Connecticut, USA
Thanks to the recent push by PRS and several online retailers, my beloved PRS Core 2015 McCarty Blk/Gld Upgraded John Mann Adjustable Bridge is now up for grabs on eBay at a very respectable price that (I hope) someone will find and take into their home.

It seems that this season is very much about the music scene and trying to get people up and dancing. Perhaps it's more about the untold joy of having something cardboard arrive at your door. You gotta give delivery carriers credit for doing a thankless job.

With that thought in mind, it was possible to secure a replacement guitar with similar attributes, a PRS SE McCarty 594 in Black/Gold with a tight, thin, flame finish. I've been eating my Wheaties for this...and with the remaining cash profit from the 2015 McC sale, my hope is to locate a business suit that fits properly that my family can view when my niece gets married next year.

Like many of you, we tend to gain winter weight but sometimes forget to include strengthening exercises so that we look good. That'll be my goal. Not someone who struggles with weight or other problems. Just someone who is happy with his guitars but needs to look and dress more "business casual."

Hopefully, with the new SE 594 arriving soon, you'll see me up and dancing when my cardboard arrives. Why did I sell my 2015? The PRS SE McCarty 594 checked all of the boxes, and was a done deal very quickly.
Thanks to the recent push by PRS and several online retailers, my beloved PRS Core 2015 McCarty Blk/Gld Upgraded John Mann Adjustable Bridge is now up for grabs on eBay at a very respectable price that (I hope) someone will find and take into their home.

It seems that this season is very much about the music scene and trying to get people up and dancing. Perhaps it's more about the untold joy of having something cardboard arrive at your door. You gotta give delivery carriers credit for doing a thankless job.

With that thought in mind, it was possible to secure a replacement guitar with similar attributes, a PRS SE McCarty 594 in Black/Gold with a tight, thin, flame finish. I've been eating my Wheaties for this...and with the remaining cash profit from the 2015 McC sale, my hope is to locate a business suit that fits properly that my family can view when my niece gets married next year.

Like many of you, we tend to gain winter weight but sometimes forget to include strengthening exercises so that we look good. That'll be my goal. Not someone who struggles with weight or other problems. Just someone who is happy with his guitars but needs to look and dress more "business casual."

Hopefully, with the new SE 594 arriving soon, you'll see me up and dancing when my cardboard arrives. Why did I sell my 2015? The PRS SE McCarty 594 checked all of the boxes, and was a done deal very quickly.
Sweet! I adjusted the pickup heights and raised some pole pieces and the pickups are ultra killer now on my blue flame one! Congrats!
What was the issue with the pickups before the adjustment? (Wondering just in case mine might need the same treatment...)
I thought they were a little dark and muddy. Mostly the pole piece raisings fixed that on both pickups. Then the I set the bridge height to taste for a little hotness, but still with clarity. Then the neck got dropped a hair so my middle position has a little more high bell like tone...
I thought they were a little dark and muddy. Mostly the pole piece raisings fixed that on both pickups. Then the I set the bridge height to taste for a little hotness, but still with clarity. Then the neck got dropped a hair so my middle position has a little more high bell like tone...
About how many turns did you raise the pole pieces?
Between 2/3 and 1-1/4
Agreed. Small turns in my experience make a big difference. I typically go in 1/2 turns and adjust a hair from there. I picked up a used core pup and the pole pieces were all jacked. Took me forever to sort out. I learned on that experience that the pole pieces can dramatically alter the tone of a pickup. Sound super sweet now, but did that take forever.
So sad to say goodbye to the core McCarty.
Actually, the McCarty wasn't receiving as much love as it should have, and both it and I had a long talk.

I said, "You're getting to the age where you should have a place of your own, earning good money, being able to pay the bills, etc." and the McCarty smiled and said, "You're right. I need my own space, and you've taken good care of me while I was here. Time to move on." I concluded with, "Anytime you're about town, feel free to visit and we'll share some good times. Stiff upper lip now."

The McC had an ever-so-small tear in its eye as I put him back in his OHSC and placed him in a carton. I think I could just about hear him humming, "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" as I set the carton aside.

The guitar has not yet sold, and I've about reached my lower limit at which additional price drops were possible. At the price it's going for, it's more than a bargain. It's an awesome deal for someone starting out, or someone who's been around the block a few times. Also, it's OBO, but only an additional $60...
Jees. Crazy great price. Do NOT lower. It will sell. It would have been gone already if on reverb. Of course you listed it days after I took the plunge and getting a McCarty again!!!!
I think the guitar will sell at this price OBO. I don't need to lower the price any more as it has attracted a good amount of attention if not for the watchers.
Wow, just looked up your listing. That is an almost criminally low price! I can not believe it did not sell immediately!! I would take that in a second if I had the funds, especially at 6.7 lbs!!! Hope it goes soon for ya ;~))
IIRC, the previous retailer who sold the guitar measured it at 6.7 lbs. My scales aren't that accurate and perhaps the addition of the adjustable bridge might have added an extra ounce or so. Word of mouth is usually a good way to attract sales, so feel free to mention it to your friends who might be hankering for a quality McCarty. FTR, the guitar is the same one in my avatar...
I agree with @Moondog Wily & @Broseph that you don't have to lower the price. What you're looking at for you OBO is almost identical for what my Stripped 58 was back in May and that was a steal too. And like Moondog, I'd really seriously consider it too if I didn't have most of those bases covered already.

Also, in looking at its history I saw that you got your FM9 about the same week that I did. Ordered mine on 10/22/21 and got it about a week later.
Killer sounds that got even better thru Genelecs.
I agree with @Moondog Wily & @Broseph that you don't have to lower the price. What you're looking at for you OBO is almost identical for what my Stripped 58 was back in May and that was a steal too. And like Moondog, I'd really seriously consider it too if I didn't have most of those bases covered already.

Also, in looking at its history I saw that you got your FM9 about the same week that I did. Ordered mine on 10/22/21 and got it about a week later.
Killer sounds that got even better thru Genelecs.
There's an untold story that goes with my FM9, and it can't be told otherwise it might put folks who are on the waiting list off big time. All I can say is that I was in the right place at the right time to ask about the FM9 that shortened my waiting time to purchase immensely. The person who helped facilitate that knows what he did, and has asked me not to share publicly because of his humble nature.

My FM3 sounded decent through my HeadRush FRFR108s, but these were quickly upgraded to QSC CP8s after the FM9 made it home.

My eBay watcher count is slowly increasing, and the view count is well over 145 now. Hoping someone will purchase the 2015 McC by the end of the month or thereabouts...the reason the guitar is priced accordingly is that it's genuinely a quality guitar in excellent shape, but designed to sell quickly, rather than languish on Reverb for months on end. Sometimes buyers will purchase when they see a good deal and try to sell one of their pieces in order to purchase something that has caught their eye. That might take a while, so sellers need to be patient while not selling themselves short.
My FM9 story was more common. Pure luck. I happened to look at some Fractal thread on TGP a few hours after it was announced and hopped on the waiting list immediately. And later following the Fractal forum, Cliff's comments about PRS last year, and that PS he got himself for Christmas, were enough to convince me to try my first PRS.

Best of luck with your sale. Sounds like a great pricing strategy and the buyer should be really happy.
FedEx delivered SE 594 mid afternoon after I'd gone to work. Family member house-sat while watching TV, waiting for package to arrive. Received a text about 4:30 stating the package had indeed arrived, and that family member would lock up and head home.

Package now resides in living room still inside cardboard carton. Will wait until Saturday before breaking seal. Will be occupied with meal prep during Saturday but might find time to photograph and utilize photo-editing software towards the evening. Images likely before Monday.

Now the waiting begins...hopefully someone will view my eBay sale and purchase...gotta say...someone out there on the interwebz with GAS will find my eBay will be happy with your purchase!
Here she is, my new PRS SE 594 McCarty


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