Pet peave PRSi?'s PRSs


New Member
Apr 27, 2012
Not sure who started it. People at other forums have no proper answer as to why or who made PRSi the accepted (and very WRONG) plural of PRSs.
Some suggested it's because words that end in us (stylus, fungus etc) get an I at the end for the plural form. Well..PRS does NOT end in US so it is NOT that.
Others thought it stands for PRSINSTRUMENTS!! I for Instruments. Well no...PRSi means Paul Reed Smith instrument. Not instrumentS. The plural of PRSinstrument (PRSi) would be PRSinstrumentS (PRSIs) know...with an S on the end.

So does everyone think we can stop saying PRSi? It isn't cute. It isn't correct. It's STUPID! ;-)
YMMV and all but it's getting embarrassing everytime someone asks me wtf PRSi stands for.
"Well...for whatever reason, people THINK that the PLURAL od PRS is PRSi."
Yeah...they all usually think it's ridiculous and pretentious. Some say..."I thought lawyers and doctors own PRSs. They shouldn't be illiterate like that...are they??". No, they clearly are NOT educated professionals. That is just a stereotype...obviously. Probably mostly just Dr. and Lawyer posers?

Maybe I'm wrong. If so please explain how PRSi makes ANY sense.
Some of us do it because we know it's wrong and like it that way! :flute::biggrin:
It's a tribute to Paul Reed Smith's deep Irish heritage. It's spelled "PRSi", but pronounced "PRS, aye!" At one time, there was a movement to pronounce it "Throatwarbler Mangrove," but PRS got a restraining order. (Len Johnson got a restringing order shortly afterwards, but completed it in record time.)

In case you're unaware, PRS was born in Dublin, Ireland, in the shadow of the Phil Lynott statue, although his family moved to County Cork shortly afterwards, and the atmosphere and attitude of his childhood home is what he tries to infuse each guitar with. Shawn told us about this at one of the Experiences (hope I'm not breaking some confidentiality code here, Shawn). He said Paul is rather famous in the company for grabbing guitars off the rack in the final assembly area, and if he's displeased, gathering employees around, handing them the guitar and asking what's wrong with it. No matter what the employees say, the answer is always "PUT SOME CORK IN IT!"

Something we should all remember.
It's a tribute to Paul Reed Smith's deep Irish heritage. It's spelled "PRSi", but pronounced "PRS, aye!" At one time, there was a movement to pronounce it "Throatwarbler Mangrove," but PRS got a restraining order. (Len Johnson got a restringing order shortly afterwards, but completed it in record time.)

In case you're unaware, PRS was born in Dublin, Ireland, in the shadow of the Phil Lynott statue, although his family moved to County Cork shortly afterwards, and the atmosphere and attitude of his childhood home is what he tries to infuse each guitar with. Shawn told us about this at one of the Experiences (hope I'm not breaking some confidentiality code here, Shawn). He said Paul is rather famous in the company for grabbing guitars off the rack in the final assembly area, and if he's displeased, gathering employees around, handing them the guitar and asking what's wrong with it. No matter what the employees say, the answer is always "PUT SOME CORK IN IT!"

Something we should all remember.

This is absolutely true. I was there when Shawn told the story...

I say it just to piss people off :proud:

Okay, the real reason…

It started out on BaM, as a silly way to say PRSes, since saying PRSes sounded funny. So, we adopted the PRSi, kinda' like when you say Octopi, instead of Octopusses…

It stuck. We (those old timers form BaM) like it. We don't care that it's not grammatically correct. We don't care that others don't understand the reason for it. It's an "inside joke". Every so often, some young whippersnapper shows up and tries to correct us. WE DON'T CARE!

Oh, and like Markie said, we like that it pisses some people off… :p

Jamie, with a gaggle of PRSi in the basement...
Okay, the real reason…

It started out on BaM.

Actually, it started out on the old PRS Forum, the precursor to BAM. I think it was originally a joke, and then became more or less accepted.

I used to rail against it myself, being a fan of correct English and Latin usage. I've since decided that there are more important things to think about. Also, I was roundly ignored. Complaining about it was like whistling in a hurricane.

I use 'PRSes.'
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You mad bro?

Much like with everything else, folks get too bent out of shape over the silliest things these days. If you don't like it, don't use it.

However, you shouldn't feel the need to take it upon yourself to poo on everyone else's good time. iHave several PRSi and iRather enjoy that term.

It doesn't have to make sense, it's just fun and iThink it's pretty cool.
Actually, it started out on the old PRS Forum, the precursor to BAM. I think it was originally a joke, and then became more or less accepted.

I used to rail against it myself, being a fan of correct English and Latin usage. I've since decided that there are more important things to think about. Also, I was roundly ignored. Complaining about it was like whistling in a hurricane.

I use 'PRSes.'

I thought I remembered it went back to the old pre-BAM PRS Forum.

Les gets it (as usual)! :biggrin: I really really like "PRSexcesses."
Yeah, and it bugs the hell out me that can't use your, you're or there, they're and their properly. PRSi has always been a joking short hand form because PRSesseseesesesssssss sounds too sssssy, or is it essssy. Sorry you're so bothered.

I love my PRSi.
