This morning I was reading The Athletic and noticed that two of its popular writers have walked back their predictions and theories about the game of football. I won't get into their theories and issues; I mean, who cares.
But it made me think about a world full of experts and critics who are no better at their evaluations than you or I.
People get Consumer's Reports, because they don't trust their own judgment about what widget to spend their hard-earned on (someone sent us a subscription as a gift, and it's like...what, who can't tell what quality is?).
You don't need a critic or tester to tell you that a Dyson or Miele appliance is generally higher quality than typical bargain store junk. The materials tell you that when you examine them.
Nor do you need a critic to tell you whether you're better off blowing your very own dough on something expensive, or saving your money and buying something less expensive that does the job OK enough. Your wallet tells you that.
These kinds of things should be obvious.
Much the same can be said of most things that people depend on other people to decide for them, like music, art, drama, film, etc. How many times have you seen a critically-acclaimed movie and thought, "This is terrible!" Or thought a movie that was supposed to be terrible is actually good, or at least fun to watch?
"You don't watch movies, Laz."
"Well, I used to, and I remember, OK?"
"Get to the point."
OK, the point is that people don't need a critic, or professional reviewer, or me, or anyone else to tell them what to like.
You think Fenders are better than PRS'? OK. I have no problem with that. Whatever floats your boat.
You need a forum to tell you which PRS finish in a dealer's inventory is nicer? I dunno, man.
Which pickups are better in a Model XP23 Extra Ten Zillion? Um...would that be better for me, or better for you?
You want to know if the bridge material or wood matters? Well, it only matters to you if you can hear it, right? So if you can't hear it, it doesn't matter. If you can hear it, then you know the answer.
It's the same with "Which guitar is better for the style of music I play?" Fergodsakes, go play a bunch and find out.
et cetera.
Rant over.
But it made me think about a world full of experts and critics who are no better at their evaluations than you or I.
People get Consumer's Reports, because they don't trust their own judgment about what widget to spend their hard-earned on (someone sent us a subscription as a gift, and it's like...what, who can't tell what quality is?).
You don't need a critic or tester to tell you that a Dyson or Miele appliance is generally higher quality than typical bargain store junk. The materials tell you that when you examine them.
Nor do you need a critic to tell you whether you're better off blowing your very own dough on something expensive, or saving your money and buying something less expensive that does the job OK enough. Your wallet tells you that.
These kinds of things should be obvious.
Much the same can be said of most things that people depend on other people to decide for them, like music, art, drama, film, etc. How many times have you seen a critically-acclaimed movie and thought, "This is terrible!" Or thought a movie that was supposed to be terrible is actually good, or at least fun to watch?
"You don't watch movies, Laz."
"Well, I used to, and I remember, OK?"

"Get to the point."
OK, the point is that people don't need a critic, or professional reviewer, or me, or anyone else to tell them what to like.
You think Fenders are better than PRS'? OK. I have no problem with that. Whatever floats your boat.
You need a forum to tell you which PRS finish in a dealer's inventory is nicer? I dunno, man.
Which pickups are better in a Model XP23 Extra Ten Zillion? Um...would that be better for me, or better for you?
You want to know if the bridge material or wood matters? Well, it only matters to you if you can hear it, right? So if you can't hear it, it doesn't matter. If you can hear it, then you know the answer.
It's the same with "Which guitar is better for the style of music I play?" Fergodsakes, go play a bunch and find out.
et cetera.
Rant over.