Great post
I am confounded by the need to have someone else's stamp of approval to determine what YOU like. I spent a good chuck of my professional career in an industry where beyond the standard of manufacturing quality (i.e., is the product made properly, without discernible and avoidable flaws), the question of how GOOD the product might be was entirely subjective. Yet people constantly wanted my professional opinion on what was "best". The products in question are adult beverages. My standard response of "You should drink what YOU like" was most often met with a face of disappointment. This usually resulted in my feeling obligated to provide some long-winded, mildly apologetic and technical response about the breadth of options, variances in people's abilities to perceive flavors, and repeatedly stating that MY opinion shouldn't really matter beyond an assessment of whether or not the product was indeed well made (a technical distinction that we can at least apply measurable standards to).
Now, this is the response to someone who I DON'T know anything about, who values my opinion only because of my being the perceived "expert". If my closest friend, who I've know for 50 years and I know in my soul what his preferences are...if he asks? Well it is a different question then, really, because we have an established level of trust based on years of mutual, shared experience.
So while I am an expert on the subject MATTER, that doesn't make me an expert in what is best for you. Make up your own damned mind. If you like it, then it's good. Whether I like it or not. And truthfully, even if it
isn't well made, if you like it, I will reluctantly cede that you can STILL like it and find it good. It will pain me and cause me to question my faith (what little remains) in humanity, but IF YOU LIKE IT, IT'S GOOD, ALRIGHT???
I fully support your right to be wrong.