Update time. Well, the Christmas spirit broke me down and now I have an SC 245 from 2007. One thing the owner didn't mention and the headstock pics didn't show is that it's a 10 top. That was a nice bonus to see when I opened it up. The pics didn't do the top justice.
I definitely won't be changing these pickups, they sound pretty much just like McCartys to my ear. Does anyone know if they use A4 magnets in these? As similar as this and my McCarty sound, I can't imagine any other magnet being used. Love it. LOVE it. Definitely needs new strings and a fretboard wipe, plus I scrubbed off some residue which had probably collected on the body and neck for a decade.
There's a fair amount of wear and tear on the cosmetics, some finish chips, and the top of the headstock even looks just slightly cracked like it had been dropped on it, but nothing to interfere with functionality. How the hell do guitarists treat expensive gear like this as if it's just a sandwich you got at a deli or something? Just tossing it around like a rubber ball, like Rocky Balboa moseying along down the streets of Philly. Whatever, their loss is my gain, I get gear for cheaper which is still in 100% working order.
Incidentally, this video helped a little in making the decision: