NGD: PRS 2005 Custom 22

IMHO 2005 was the best year for Custom 22s.

*I have only ever played a 2005 CU22 for any length of time to know for sure
Why was 2005 the best?

I MUST try a custom 22. There was a demo on youtube of a Cu24 vs a Cu22 and the Cu22 sounded MUCH better but had different pickups, so not a valid test. I suspect the larger distance between pups made the Cu22 a lot warmer. However I chose my 24s based on the ease of playability factor (easier to get to higher frets). Starting to doubt myself. There are just so many variations... I've yet to try a 513, never tried a 408... people keep saying DGTs are great... but if I want a more Les Paul tone I'd best go for a McCarty model. Gah!