NGD! Pink metal crusher!

Roger Roy

New Member
Mar 8, 2015
Yea baby, Doug Diamond over at Wild West Guitars is the man:rock: From the second I saw this one as a new arrival last month I've been drooling at adding it as a second to my abalone artist 24 floyd. Turns out after all the back and forth with different guitars the past couple years I think at this point Im a full on PRS convert lol. I love my Abalone one and its the only guitar at this point that I wouldn't part with(and thats saying a lot coming from me) That ones at the shop and as soon as it gets home I'll do a little group shop. Onto the bonnie pink porn
-as a side note, I've always been in love with the neon shred guitars of the 80's and when I saw this one the first thought that came to mind was " Man that thing is so 80's looking" lol. The Pink is much more vibrant in person, Ive always had trouble capturing that color in pics(yes, Ive had ALOT of pinkies...)

Sometimes it's GOOD to be MR. PINK!

That is one fine looking axe - love the pink with the maple neck and fretboard...makes the guitar! Shred on in good health!
Thanks guys! The only thing I don't understand is the rating on the tops. This one(the new Pink) is an artist grade top, has the artist case(which is amazing in itself) and also notes it as an artist top on the bird hang tag. I originally thought my Abalone one was an artist top as its beastly but recently someone pointed out it has a "10" written on the back of the headstock and doesn't say artist on the tag and also has the regular PRS case. I thought artist would be higher on the food chain than a 10 top. Not really an issue as this one is a little heavier and sounds monstrous! But heres a pic of my Abalone "10"top(that musicians friend even listed as artist on the site)
Thanks guys! The only thing I don't understand is the rating on the tops. This one(the new Pink) is an artist grade top, has the artist case(which is amazing in itself) and also notes it as an artist top on the bird hang tag. I originally thought my Abalone one was an artist top as its beastly but recently someone pointed out it has a "10" written on the back of the headstock and doesn't say artist on the tag and also has the regular PRS case. I thought artist would be higher on the food chain than a 10 top. Not really an issue as this one is a little heavier and sounds monstrous! But heres a pic of my Abalone "10"top(that musicians friend even listed as artist on the site)
Well, the decision to call something Artist grade vs 10-top is sometimes a fine line, and may depend greatly on the quality of tops available at the particular time. Sometimes weird stuff makes something not qualify for the higher grading - e.g. on your Abalone the tight flaming loosens up near the bottom, and it isn't perfectly symmetrical, so that might have disqualified it for "Artist" - your Bonnie Pink is much more consistent, even of the flame is a broader type.

For me, they are both awesome looking tops (and necks to boot!) and I would love to have either/both. So congrats!
With two tops like that, I could care less if you called them a "3" top! Both awesome tops, necks and colors. Besides nobody usually sees the backs, only you!
Stellar addition to an already awesome looking axe
Congrats, enjoy both and shred on...
Nice score! I saw it once it came in and nearly bought it that day. I love the way it looks. Congrats on a great looking axe!
The wider ribbons on Pink just flat out Rock!!!!...although the skinny ones on Abby ain't too shabby, either. Congrats on Both!!!