NGD! 2007 Singlecut Satin


New Member
Jun 4, 2018
I first saw this on Facebook three weeks ago, as someone in Leeds was shifting it on at a very tempting price for a quick sale. I stared at it all evening, but there was no way I could get over to Leeds to pick it up, and watched it go the very next day. Then here I am browsing the forum and Sunday, and it needed rehoming again. I'm not one to ignore serendipity so here we are.

This is the closest thing I've ever seen to a relic PRS. The satin nitro finish dents very easily, and part of what made me fall for it in the pictures was the picking wear by the pickups. I adore the satin finish - the guitar actually feels like wood rather than shiny plastic. It's chambered, so it's very resonant, and also very, very bright and jangly acoustically. The wide fat neck is really comfy and the finish means my sweaty paws won't stick, which is a big bonus.

I'd seen mixed reviews on the PRS #7 pickups, but I think I like them so far. The A4 neck pickup is bright and quite scooped and woody sounding, and the bridge (which I'm pretty sure is A5) is very bright and barky in the upper mids, almost like a vintage voiced JB but without the bass. It actually makes the BKP Emerald in my Les Paul sound bassy in comparison! It does make for a very pleasing lead tone. The in between sound is almost single coil like in its clarity, it's nothing like my Les Paul or my SE Bernie.

It's a stunning guitar over all, and for me the biggest winning points are the chambering - light weight and resonant - and the finish.

Has anyone else got one of these or just more information about them? Would love to see and know more about this lovely guitar.



Crappy phone camera can't quite manage macro:


With my modded Bernie because why not?

Amazing pickup. Absolutely gorgeous and has so much mojo that makes you just want to play that beauty. Congrats. Sorry I don't have more info on this guitar. Also, I'm totally with you on the #7 pickups. Granted, I've only tried the Korean ones, but I really dig them nonetheless. I can only imagine how much better the American #7s are. I wouldn't run to swap a Korean #7 for a different pickup, but if the 85/15's are any indication, the American ones sound a tad fuller, with warmer and rounder high end, and a tad more of overtones and fuller frequencies. Can't remember who it was who eloquently summarized really well by saying the Korean PRS pickups have almost all the frequencies, while the American have all the frequencies.
Yeah I've got the 85/15 S pickups in my SVN, and they're a vast improvement on the G&B HFS and Vintage Bass set fitted to the old SE 7-string. They're still a bit muddy on the low B but they cope much better. My bandmate has a '17 SE Cu24 with the six string 85/15 S set and they're honestly great, I think you'd only change them if you're after something specific. Compare that to the SE 245 pickups that came in my Bernie which were okay, but hotter and muddier than I wanted and generally nothing special, so they didn't last very long!

While I like the #7s, I also get why people wouldn't, the bridge especially. With certain setups or in certain settings it could easily be too harsh in the upper mids and too lacking in the bass; if it were my only guitar then I'd look for a more evenly voiced set, particularly as the guitar itself is so bright. As it is, I've got other guitars for covering multiple bases, so I'm happy to spend some time with this one and let it be its own thing.
It looks like it should have been played by Jimmy Page or Peter Green! Very, very nice!

Looks like a veritable rock machine! Enjoy.

Well thanks to some folks on the PRSGOW Facebook page, I've found it used to belong to the guitarist from Welsh rock band Fireroad, and was used all over their album and subsequent tour supporting Stereophonics, so that's pretty cool!